The Clifton Times – Articles Concerning the 26th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment

Article #1__________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                        11/29/62, pg. 1, col. 6,
originally from the ‘Philadelphia Gazette’
“YOU FIGHTS MIT SIGEL, YOU DRINKS MIT ME.” – A soldier with his arm in a sling yesterday morning went into Bergher’s beer saloon under the post office, to refresh himself with lager beer. The sight of his wounded limb very naturally interested the crowd that was present. A conversation ensued, in which the wounded man, in response to enquires, modestly stated that he had fought under Sigel, a little German in a corner of the room rose to his feet. He ran up to the wounded man just as he raised his lager to his lips. “you fights mit Sigel,” said he, “You drinks mit me.” The wounded soldier was slightly taken back at the abruptness of this remark, when the Teuton embraced him, actually kissing his cheek as a man would kiss the cheek of a girl. “Mein Cot;” said he, “no man who fights mit Sigel pays for beer when I ish by – no sir.” – The result further was that after the soldier had slackened his thirst, the German went out with him, proffering to him any thing he might desire. The affection felt for Sigel by the German population of this city is very great. WE see it illustrated nearly every day.
Article #2__________________________________________________________________________
5/9/63 pg. 2, col. 4,
originally printed in the ‘News’
(City is unknown)
We are afflicted with no admiration of Carl Schurz, either as a general or a politician, and never entertained a belief that he was any more capable of commanding a division than a school boy in round-abouts; but, for all that, we have the utmost faith that the reported cowardice of the Germans at Chancellorsville with turn out the purest sort of a slander upon them. That there was not haste in getting to the rear we may well believe, but doubtless there was an equal impetuosity in driving the division of Schurz in that direction. Jackson expected to carry the position, and it seems he succeeded, but there is not the slightest reason to believe that he would not have done so had a legion of devils stood in the way.
It is a truth which we are proud to assert and believe, that there has not been an authenticated case of general cowardice in the field on the part of the adopted citizens of this country since this war began. With enthusiasm these men rushed to the field; with patience and fortitude they have endured the hardships of the camp; with unflinching courage they have borne the brunt of every battle, and if there is really such a virtue as martial glory to the found recorded in the books of angels, they have won divine favor and imperishable renown. It is well for the public, therefore, to suspend judgment in this solely reported case, until the facts come form some other sources than from an excited correspondent, who would not have known all the circumstances when he wrote.
Article #3__________________________________________________________________________
5/23/63, pg. 2, col. 3,
originally printed in the ‘Milwaukee News’,
reprinted in the 5/23/63, pg. 2, col. 3
THE TWENTY-SIXTH REGIMENT. – Mr. Stemper, of the Board of Supervisors, has received a letter from a private of the 26th regiment, giving a brief account of the part taken by the 26th in the recent battles under Hooker. The letter is dated at Stafford Court House, May 9th. The regiment was in the contest for five days and nights, with little rest. The regiment camped near the Rapidan on Friday, May 1st, in the face of the rebels and hastily threw up defences. The next day, Saturday, was the hardest fight of the campaign. The 26th was on the right flank of the federal army. Two hundred of its number were sent out as skirmishers, while the enemy were endeavoring to turn the flank, but were driven back, and thus the fight began. The writer estimates that the rebels were ten times the strength of the federals, and thus accounts for the defeat and flight. He alleges that the 26th lost 200 in killed and wounded and that the army lost as many as ten or twelve thousand. At the time of writing, what was left of the 26th was resting at its old camp ground at Stafford Court House, where the letter is dated. The writer fervently thanks God for his preservation.