The Manitowoc Herald – Articles Concerning the 26th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment

Article #1__________________________________________________________________________
                                                                                                    8/14/1862 pg. 3, col. 1
Fall in !!

Article #2__________________________________________________________________________
The 27th Regiment has been dislodged by fire. Their barracks, at North Point, Milwaukee, burned down on the night of the first, destroying a large amount of commissary stores, a considerable quantity of the soldiers clothing, and, what is more terrible than all, two of the soldiers lost their lives. One statement says the fire originated in the quarters occupied by Capt. Marschner’s company, and another affirms that it originated in an unoccupied room of the barracks. The Regiment has removed to Camp Washburne.
1/8/63, pg. 2.
The N. Y. Tribune has the following: “Gen. Franz Sigel returned to this city yesterday, after an ineffectual visit to Washington, which was made in the hope to serve the Republic again in the field. We suppose it would hardly be doubted that Gen. Sigel has some military talent and experience which might be made available against the enemy. Yet he has in vain offered and asked to be assigned to any duty, provided he might be thought competent, even if he were no more than that of an aid on the staff of the General commanding the army of the Potomac. How long will the military authorities at Washington continue to think they can afford to dispense with the services of loyal, earnest, devoted, capable men, who are willing to be put anywhere they can be useful? When they have ceased to cherish and act on such opinions this war will be considerable nearer its end than it is now.”