Article #1__________________________________________________________________________
Mar 25, 1861
To our Readers
Having purchased Mr. Kellogg’s interest in the “West Bend Post,” I, to-day, appear before you in an entire new capacity, that of one of its Editors. Yes, as incredible as it may appear, we have, in the space of one short week, been transmogrified from a one-horse lawyer, to an editor. What an enviable position, and more especially for a new recruit, who has had no experience, but still is expected to know everything; to say more than anybody else, and more than all, to write articles that will suit everyone, and if he don’t, “why, he is nothing more than I expected,” “a perfect stick;” why, my youngest boy is only ten years old, but if he couldn’t write a better article, I would strap him.-Everyone is to be poking sticks at us; every word we say, and every sentence we utter, is to be carefully picked to pieces, and thoroughly analyzed; every article we write is to be carefully scrutinized and digested, to see if there can’t be found some mistake, or some sentiment to which they can take exceptions.
Reader, were you ever an editor? Did you ever see an editor but that sometimes committed errors! If not, we hope you will not expect to find perfection in us, for no man is perfect, and we are just as liable to err, as the rest of mankind. We are aware of the responsibilities of the position to which we have aspired, and shall endeavor to discharge the duties that now rest upon us, to the best of our ability.
As regards politics, we are thoroughly democratic. The republicans will ever find in us, a courteous, but firm opponent; always ready to battle for our party, and our country, and to that end, we shall use all honorable means to maintain and increase the good old democratic majorities of Washington county; and in this one point we are bound to succeed, even if we have to get married to do it.
Local matters and local interests will also receive a due share of our attention.- Religious discussions, and petty bickerings and quarrels between private individuals will be entirely excluded from our columns, whilst on the other hand, anything original, of a literary or scientific nature, will be readily inserted. In fact, if our patrons will continue the aid and patronage which was extended to our worthy predecessors, we will use our best efforts to make the POST a good family paper, containing a good share of selected stories for home reading, and a summary of the general news of the day.
Your ob’t Serv’t,
Article #2__________________________________________________________________________
April 1, 1861
Jacob E. Mann,
Milwaukee Mutual Fire Insurance Company
The oldest, and one of the most reliable companies in the State, Office in
West Bend Post Building, West Bend, Wis.
Article #3__________________________________________________________________________
Monday May 27, 1861.
Oh, for a Man!- J. E. Mann, of the West Bend Post, has just married a Miss Carrie Waldo, of that place. Here’s a health to the bride and groom-and one to “Carrie!”
One to “Carrie?” Oh no! Brick , thank you, not yet; Wait a year or two, and then if we have one to carry, it will be time enough.
Article #4__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 9, 1862.
Jessie Myers of Kewaskum, offers $600 to those volunteering in that town, to be distributed as follows: Married men, $50 each and single men $25 each. Those enlisting first, secure the bounty. Four men have already availed themselves of the offer. Who is the next man to show his liberality?
(Ed note: Kewaskum is just north of West Bend. Wayne, residence of 3 members of Company G, is very close to Kewaskum.)
Sat. Aug 9, 1862
Rally Boys! Rally!–
It will be seen by notice elsewhere, that there is to be a grand war meeting at this place on Tuesday next. Col. Charles H. Larrabee will surely be here on that occasion, also Hon. Arthur McArthur, Hon. Livi Hubbell, Hon. Mat H. Carpenter, Capt. Charles Lehmann and Moritz Schoeffler, all of whom will address the people on the all absorbing topic, “the war.” Let every man that has a spark of patriotism in his soul, be present, and bring his neighbor with him. The very foundation of our government is being undermined. The constitution and flag for which our fore-fathers so nobly fought and bled, is being trampled into the dust. The fate of our existence as a Nation, is at stake. All that we hold most sacred is in peril. The blood of our fathers and brothers which is now being spilled on the battle fields is calling loudly for help. Our brave soldiers already in the field are daily contending against cruel and superior forces, and anxiously looking homeward for that assistance, which alone can save them from certain destruction. This is no time to hesitate, for delays are always dangerous, more specially in times of war. The government has called for more men, and they must be had. Send them immediately and all will yet be well, but if we stop to dally about it, all may be lost. The Governor has called for five new regiments, which would make the quota for Washington County only 138 men. God forbid, that it should be said, “that out of a population of over 23,600 inhabitants we cannot find 138 men that are willing to aid their country in this her hour of peril.” Fellow citizens arouse; and show by your actions, that you are worthy sons, of a free and independent Nation.
Article #5__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 16, 1862
At a War Meeting, held at the Court House in the village of West Bend on the 13th day of Aug. AD 1862, at 7 o’clock in the evening. It was moved and seconded that F. O. Thorp esq. preside, and Paul A. Well act as secretary. Mr. Thorp addressed the meeting stating its object to be, to raise men and money to put down the rebellion.
The meeting was then addressed by Messrs. L. F. Frisby, Eugene S. Turner of Ozaukee county, and Judge Mann after which the following amounts were subscribed, for the benefit of the “Washington County Rifles” a company now being raised by Jacob E. Mann esq.
Judge Mann $100
J. Potter & Co. 75
L. F. Frisby 50
A. Semler 50
J. P. Schuster 25
George Ippel 10
F. Guilford 5
F. O. Thorp 20
John S. Hutschings 10
A. Veith 5
A. Horstmann 20
L. N. Frisby 20
F. Everly 20
Paul A. Weil 25
L. Lucas 10
John Althaus 10
Wm. H. McCracken 5
Fr. Regenfuss 10
To our Readers
Having purchased Mr. Kellogg’s interest in the “West Bend Post,” I, to-day, appear before you in an entire new capacity, that of one of its Editors. Yes, as incredible as it may appear, we have, in the space of one short week, been transmogrified from a one-horse lawyer, to an editor. What an enviable position, and more especially for a new recruit, who has had no experience, but still is expected to know everything; to say more than anybody else, and more than all, to write articles that will suit everyone, and if he don’t, “why, he is nothing more than I expected,” “a perfect stick;” why, my youngest boy is only ten years old, but if he couldn’t write a better article, I would strap him.-Everyone is to be poking sticks at us; every word we say, and every sentence we utter, is to be carefully picked to pieces, and thoroughly analyzed; every article we write is to be carefully scrutinized and digested, to see if there can’t be found some mistake, or some sentiment to which they can take exceptions.
Reader, were you ever an editor? Did you ever see an editor but that sometimes committed errors! If not, we hope you will not expect to find perfection in us, for no man is perfect, and we are just as liable to err, as the rest of mankind. We are aware of the responsibilities of the position to which we have aspired, and shall endeavor to discharge the duties that now rest upon us, to the best of our ability.
As regards politics, we are thoroughly democratic. The republicans will ever find in us, a courteous, but firm opponent; always ready to battle for our party, and our country, and to that end, we shall use all honorable means to maintain and increase the good old democratic majorities of Washington county; and in this one point we are bound to succeed, even if we have to get married to do it.
Local matters and local interests will also receive a due share of our attention.- Religious discussions, and petty bickerings and quarrels between private individuals will be entirely excluded from our columns, whilst on the other hand, anything original, of a literary or scientific nature, will be readily inserted. In fact, if our patrons will continue the aid and patronage which was extended to our worthy predecessors, we will use our best efforts to make the POST a good family paper, containing a good share of selected stories for home reading, and a summary of the general news of the day.
Your ob’t Serv’t,
Article #2__________________________________________________________________________
April 1, 1861
Jacob E. Mann,
Milwaukee Mutual Fire Insurance Company
The oldest, and one of the most reliable companies in the State, Office in
West Bend Post Building, West Bend, Wis.
Article #3__________________________________________________________________________
Monday May 27, 1861.
Oh, for a Man!- J. E. Mann, of the West Bend Post, has just married a Miss Carrie Waldo, of that place. Here’s a health to the bride and groom-and one to “Carrie!”
One to “Carrie?” Oh no! Brick , thank you, not yet; Wait a year or two, and then if we have one to carry, it will be time enough.
Article #4__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 9, 1862.
Jessie Myers of Kewaskum, offers $600 to those volunteering in that town, to be distributed as follows: Married men, $50 each and single men $25 each. Those enlisting first, secure the bounty. Four men have already availed themselves of the offer. Who is the next man to show his liberality?
(Ed note: Kewaskum is just north of West Bend. Wayne, residence of 3 members of Company G, is very close to Kewaskum.)
Sat. Aug 9, 1862
Rally Boys! Rally!–
It will be seen by notice elsewhere, that there is to be a grand war meeting at this place on Tuesday next. Col. Charles H. Larrabee will surely be here on that occasion, also Hon. Arthur McArthur, Hon. Livi Hubbell, Hon. Mat H. Carpenter, Capt. Charles Lehmann and Moritz Schoeffler, all of whom will address the people on the all absorbing topic, “the war.” Let every man that has a spark of patriotism in his soul, be present, and bring his neighbor with him. The very foundation of our government is being undermined. The constitution and flag for which our fore-fathers so nobly fought and bled, is being trampled into the dust. The fate of our existence as a Nation, is at stake. All that we hold most sacred is in peril. The blood of our fathers and brothers which is now being spilled on the battle fields is calling loudly for help. Our brave soldiers already in the field are daily contending against cruel and superior forces, and anxiously looking homeward for that assistance, which alone can save them from certain destruction. This is no time to hesitate, for delays are always dangerous, more specially in times of war. The government has called for more men, and they must be had. Send them immediately and all will yet be well, but if we stop to dally about it, all may be lost. The Governor has called for five new regiments, which would make the quota for Washington County only 138 men. God forbid, that it should be said, “that out of a population of over 23,600 inhabitants we cannot find 138 men that are willing to aid their country in this her hour of peril.” Fellow citizens arouse; and show by your actions, that you are worthy sons, of a free and independent Nation.
Article #5__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 16, 1862
At a War Meeting, held at the Court House in the village of West Bend on the 13th day of Aug. AD 1862, at 7 o’clock in the evening. It was moved and seconded that F. O. Thorp esq. preside, and Paul A. Well act as secretary. Mr. Thorp addressed the meeting stating its object to be, to raise men and money to put down the rebellion.
The meeting was then addressed by Messrs. L. F. Frisby, Eugene S. Turner of Ozaukee county, and Judge Mann after which the following amounts were subscribed, for the benefit of the “Washington County Rifles” a company now being raised by Jacob E. Mann esq.
Judge Mann $100
J. Potter & Co. 75
L. F. Frisby 50
A. Semler 50
J. P. Schuster 25
George Ippel 10
F. Guilford 5
F. O. Thorp 20
John S. Hutschings 10
A. Veith 5
A. Horstmann 20
L. N. Frisby 20
F. Everly 20
Paul A. Weil 25
L. Lucas 10
John Althaus 10
Wm. H. McCracken 5
Fr. Regenfuss 10
On motion the following named persons were appointed as a committee to solicit further subscriptions:
L. F. Frisby, A. Semler, George Ippel, Wm. B. Barnes, John T. Hutchings, Philipp Schuster, A. Horstmann, F. Everly, J. Potter Jr, H. Traknet, L. Lucas, Stephen Mayer, A. C. Coe, and Peter Frazer.
Moved and carried that when this meeting adjourns it adjourns until Friday evening next at 7 o’clock at the Court House, and that said committee then report.
Upon a call of Jac. E. Mann the following persons came forward and enrolled themselves, and were sworn in as members of the “Washington County Rifles:”
Jac. Heipp. J. Horn.
R. H. Templeton Julius Jewlson
Jac. Wagner. F. Uemmel.
J. Shulby Peter Stoffel.
Conrad Mack Chas. Hassemann.
Killian Schnepf. Jan Kexheimer
Sat Aug 16, 1862
Washington county has been cursed from one end of the state to the other for not furnishing more men for the war. It may be true that she has not furnished her quota; it would be strange indeed if such were not the case considering the treatment she has received. But one thing is equally true, she has not credit for half the men she has furnished, while other places, (and we will instance Milwaukee,) have credit for more men than they have furnished. There is hardly a regiment of Infantry or Cavalry or a Battery of artillery from this state, but what Washington County is represented in-by privates-nothing more of course. If we have not furnished all the men we ought, there is a reason for it. Recruiting commissions have been very sparingly dealt out for this county, and other commissions, except to officer companies, can all be summed up thus.–00,000.– Since the late call, and districting the state, applications for recruiting commissions from this county have been on file at Madison for weeks, without receiving the slightest notice. We suppose it is deemed sufficient, if the people of this county are allowed the privilege of going to Milwaukee or some other place outside the county and enlist.
Milwaukee was allowed some dozen or more recruiting officers, and no delay was caused by the non-arrival of the Col. of the 24th Reg., in the state. But Milwaukee is a favored place: she acknowledges that she is 900 deficient on her quota of the 600,000 call, but still she is not deficient in her quota of appointees. She has had the appointment of eight Colonels, out of the first 19 regiments, and Lieut. Cols., Majors, Adjutants and Quartermasters, without stint. In the 24th reg she has already the Lieut. Col., Quartermaster, Adjutant and Surgeon, and probably will get the Major and assistant surgeon, and although the population of our county is made up of the same material that Milwaukee is, yet we have not had the poor privilege of furnishing even a wet nurse. We have not the least doubt that a majority of all the men now enlisted at the various recruiting offices in Milwaukee, are from the country. We know that quite a number have gone from this county.
What has been said of Milwaukee in reference to commissions may also be said of Madison, for the most of her citizens have held commissions in appointments of some kind, since the commencement of the war. True the people of this county, have not besieged, or slept at the door of the executive office, yet the appointment of two or three different persons has been in the service nearly a year, and has had the recommendation of a prominent General commanding in Miss.,–yet it is of no avail. Men without knowledge or experience in the military art, have been appointed because they lived in Milwaukee or Madison, and was urged by my particular friend. The general feeling in this county, is that we have been treated as if we were not fit for anything but privates, and ought to go to Milwaukee, or some other place out of the county to enlist.
We had supposed that the order of the Governor, that the Regimental officers of the five regiments districted through the state must reside in the district, was to get officers from among the people to influence enlistments, but such does not seem to be the object or all the officers in the 24th would not have been in Milwaukee.
We deny that the people of this county are not loyal and ready to enlist. Five have already enlisted from this office, among them one of the editors of this paper, and now we have taken the field, the first day got 11 recruits.
We most decidedly deny that this county is not loyal, but on the contrary believe if she had been treated with half the consideration that other counties have been, she would have furnished her quota. About 300 regimental officers, surgeons, assistant surgeons and chaplains have been appointed in this State, aside from Allotment commissions State agents &c.,&c., and yet Washington County does not figure on the list (a shame indeed that we have not one, two or three men of sufficient ability to hold positions of that kind.) Surely, enlistments have been encouraged with a vengeance in this county. Yet, under all this seeming attempts to disgrace this county, if a decent opportunity was given, the quota for the county could be raised without draft–but as Washington county is largely democratic, there is no use of expecting any appointments.
Article #6__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Aug 30, 1862
Adieu- Patrons! farewell. My country calls me and I am going. My partner volunteered nearly a year ago, and now I follow suit. The Post will be continued in some shape, and until we can get the matter regulated, we trust you will bear with us, and excuse any seeming neglect which may appear from our columns.
Yours Truly,
Jacob E. Mann.
Article #7__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Sept 6, 1862
Our Correspondence.- So far we have had but one regular correspondent, C. D. W. but after the 26th leaves the state, Mr. Mann will also hold regular correspondence with the “Post”.
Sat. Sept 6, 1862
Gone.- Early last Thursday morning the “Washington Co. Rifles” left this place for the rendezvous of the 26th, (Siegel) regiment, encamped at Milwaukee. With them, went (as their captain) Jacob E. Mann, one of the editors and proprietors of this paper, who upon the call of his country, with true patriotism threw up his profession, and volunteered to help fight our country’s battles thereby following the noble example of his partner, who, as you all know, follows the fortunes of the twelfth Reg. Wis. Vol. He is the third editor this office has sent to the war.
Article #8__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Sept 13, 1862
My husband Jacob E. Mann and my brother Charles D. Waldo, Editors of this paper, having both gone to the war to fight the battles of our Country, I have taken the Editorial chair for the time being, and propose to run this establishment to the best of my abilities- I hope that our kind readers under such circumstances will make all due allowance while the paper is in our charge. Whilst those who are dear to us are helping to put down this accursed rebellion with the weapons of war, far away from home, we here will try and wield the pen for the same purpose. We will willingly give up the Editorial chair when the Union is reestablished upon a permanent basis as we are for the Union as it was and the constitution as it is.
Carrie Mann.
Sat. Sept 13, 1862.
We notice in the list of killed and wounded in the late battles before Washington, 2nd Lieut. Ed. P. Kellogg (formerly one of the editors of this paper) had an arm shot off and taken prisoner. We are sorry to hear that our friend Mr. Kellogg has had this misfortune to lose an arm, and fall into the hands of the rebels, but we hope he will have the good luck to put an end to some of the traitors and then make good his escape.
Sat. Sept 13, 1862
The Washington County Rifles, comprising ninety seven men, commanded by Jacob E. Mann, as Captain, left this village on Thursday the 4th day of September to join the 26th Regiment known as the Sigel Regiment now in Milwaukee, they went from here to Schleisingerville, to take the Cars, and had to remain there, till Saturday morning before the LaCrosse Rail Road company would furnish Cars for their transport. On Monday eve previous to their departure, the citizens of this place and surrounding Country gave them a free supper and Ball at Vieths Hall; where a pleasant time was had, and every one seemed to enjoy themselves. We understand that the company has been ordered into camp, and we hope when this accursed rebellion is put down, the boys may all return to their anxious friends.
Article #9__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Sept 20, 1862.
Corporations are said to have no souls- we almost have come to that conclusion in regard to the LaCrosse and Milwaukee Rail Road company. Rail Roads are great institutions, but they can be great nuisances, and the LaCrosse and Milwaukee road has become such. The main travel from this county all goes to Schleisingerville, which is a prominent station on the road, but the passengers going from there of to that point, must by the rules of “the powers that be” of that road take a one horse passenger car behind an immense freight train, and travel at the rate of five or six miles per hour. We used to own an old “ass” that could take us to Milwaukee just as fast but when the LaCrosse road was built, we disposed of him, wishing to give up this one horse way of traveling.
A few days ago the “Washington Co. Rifles” commanded by Jacob I. Mann had to wait at Schleisingerville on the good will of said corporation before they could go to Milwaukee they waited from Thursday till Saturday morning and finally succeeded in getting some cars to go with, after a forty-eight hours delay. The people of Washington County have contributed largely to the support of said road, and we justly ask from the managers of the road for such treatment as we are deserving of, and that the express train going each way should be made to stop at Schleisingerville, and such other familities allowed our people as we are deserving of and that we should be treated as good customers as we are and not as don’t care a d–n. When the road was being built the managers knew us well and to hear them talk we were their best friends because we were lending them a helping hand, but that Corporation has forgotten its early friends & knows no friend now but the almighty dollar.
Article #10__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Oct 4, 1862
The undersigned, Having both enlisted for the war, have disposed of the “Post”, together with the entire office, consisting of Press, type, and all material of every name and nature pertaining to the same, to John E. Mann, to whom all accounts of this office must be paid.
Dated West Bend Sept 22d, 1862.
Wald & Mann.
Sat Oct 4, 1862
The 26th Reg leaves next Monday for Washington.
Sat Oct 4, 1862
The following is the roster of the field and company officers of the 26th stationed at Milwaukee, and as yet no decisive information of their destination or day of departure can be obtained:
Colonel, William H. Jacobs.
Lieut. Col., Charles Lehman.,
Major, Phillip Horwitz.
Adjutant, Phil. Y. Schlosser.
Co. A.
Capt. William George;
1st Lieut. Chris. Darnow;
2d, do Augst. F. Mueller.
Co. B.
Capt, Fred C. Winkler;
1st Lieut. Chris. Darnow;
2d, do F. Lackner.
Co. C.
Capt, John P. Seemann;
1st Lieut, —-Fuchs,
2d, do Bernard Domschcke;
Co. D.
Capt, August Ligowshy;
1st Lieut, August Schaller;
2d, do Charles Ottilie;
Co. E.
Capt. Antoine Kettler;
1st Lieut C. W. Neukirch;
2d, do John C. Hacken.
Co. F.
Capt. Henry Baetz;
1st Lieut —– Pizzala;
2d, do Albert Walter;
Co. G.
Capt. Jacob E. Mann;
1st Lieut William Smith:
2d, * Meisswinkel;
Co. H.
Capt. Hans Boebel:
1st Lieut. Joseph Wetig:
2d. do Chas. Vecke;
Co. I.
Capt. Frans Lantz;
1st Lieut, H. J. Birminger;
2d, do John Orth.
Co. K
Capt. Lewis Pelosi:
1st Lieut, Jacob Heippe;
2d, do Edward Karl.
*First name not given.
Article #11__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Oct. 11, 1862.
The 26th Reg.
This regiment arrived in Chicago at 7 o’clock p.m. by special train on the Milwaukee and Chicago R. R., and our readers may form some idea of their appearance, from the following which appeared in the Daily Times:
* * On arriving in the city the regiment was formed in marching order and proceeded to the depot of the Michigan Southern Railroad, where two trains were in readiness to receive them. Before taking their departure, however, the officers of the regiment, were escorted to the Tremont House, where a sumptuous supper was provided for them at the expense of the Michigan Southern Railroad company. At ten o’clock they were again at the depot of the Michigan Southern road, and in a few minutes thereafter, the heavily freighted trains moved off, bearing towards the field of strife, a corps composed of as good fighting material as has been sent into the war from any state, east or west.
Article #12__________________________________________________________________________
Sat 18 Oct, 1862
The Issues We Deal With
The Main issues recognized during the presidential election of 1860 are dead. The question of slavery in the territories is no longer a question for decision either in congress, in the ballot box, or anywhere else. All the incidental questions of that campaign are now swept away by the current of subsequent events. The people have now to determine solely whether or not the constitution and the union shall be preserved, whether or not this is a land of liberty and a land of law.
The republican party is essentially revolutionary. It has grown strong upon its capacity to destroy. Its first existence in this state is distinguished by an attempt to nullify the constitution and resist the government. Its whole existence has been marked by bold attempts upon the executive and judicial authority of the nation. It denounced the laws of congress and resisted them. It denounced the president and resisted him. It denounced the supreme court, and resisted it.
In Wisconsin it mobbed the officers of the federal government. In Kansas, it established a revolutionary government. In Massachusetts, federal laws were executed only by armed force. It denied the rights of the people of the territories to legislate for themselves. It attacked the rights of the states, and intermeddled with their local institutions without moral or legal justification. It did no act to sustain the federal government , the independence of the states, of the rights of the people. It sought to substitute the government of a party for the government established by law, in the nation, in states and in territories.
Assuming the reins of the government, it lost none of its treasonable spirit.–When the president has sought to abide by the constitution, and to enforce it, the politicians of his party have mercilessly assaulted him, threatening him with deposition. The people of the border states, nine tenths of whom were loyal to the Union then the war began, were tantalized, misrepresented and libeled, because they refused to join in the mad scheme for the subversion of the constitution. The purposes of the dominant party were made the test of loyalty. Democrats in loyal states were thrown into prison, while the open advocates of disunion were protected, honored and applauded.
Now a position is taken, more bold, more defiant, more dangerous than all preceding. The crime they now (illegible word- perhaps deny?-ed) to commit includes all their previous crimes. The government, they assume, , must be subverted for the sake of the government. The Constitution is white paper, of no binding force upon loyal men or upon the ministers of the government. States must be reduced to provinces, and provinces to dependent “colonies”. The President can do no wrong, save to violate the wishes of his party. His power is unlimited, save by the decrees of a party. The whole theory of the government is proclaimed false, and a new government must be established upon the old one- a new government, unlimited, supreme, omnipotent throughout the land.
Such is the party with which the people have now to contend. To be a republican implies an unqualified endorsement of all the revolutionary schemes we have stated. To vote for a republican is to vote for them all. The government is in issue here in Wisconsin, as well as on the Potomac. Liberty is at stake here as well there. We vote here in November directly for the Constitution or against it-for a Union of independent states and for the rights of a sovereign people or against them. Give us a victory for the Constitution and the Union at the polls, and the lives of our soldiers have not been surrendered in vain.-Defeated, and all is lost worthy a freeman’s defense. Defeated, and the rebellion which we are so nobly struggling to quell, is invigorated with new life by the faithlessness of ourselves to the government it is our duty to maintain.
Article #13__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Nov 1, 1862.
Most of our late exchanges admit the fact that thousands of free Negroes have lately arrived in the northern states from the south. Abolitionists even in Wisconsin have advertised to forward blacks of both sexes and of all ages to those who wish for such as help, and many have already come into our state, our laws not preventing it. We look upon this extensive immigration of these free blacks into the free states, to mix in with and compete with the free white labor of the north as a most outrageous policy. The equality, as such there must be, will be formed by reducing the whites to a level with the blacks. White labor will be degraded; yes, utterly destroyed if this is not thwarted. It must be stopped soon if ever. The only way to keep these sons and daughters of Ham from overrunning our state and disgracing our race is left with the Democrats. For your honor, dignity and all your cherish, see that you vote for men that will help pass laws this winter at Madison which will free our state of this curse.
Article #14__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Nov 15, 1862
The Draft in this County.
On Monday morning last commissioner E. H. Gilson commenced drafting in the court house for the men yet due from Washington county. The draft for the towns of West Bend, Barton, Kewaskum, Farmington and Jackson was completed the first day without any opposition whatever. The draft for the town of Trenton was completed on Tuesday by eleven o’clock. The room was pretty well crowded, and quite an uneasiness was manifested by the men from Trenton during the draft, and as soon as the last name was drawn one of the excited men stepped up of a chair and spoke to the crowd in the German language, and also asked the commissioner of he was ready to deliver up the papers. Sheriff Weimar and others endeavored to quell the crowd which was becoming a mob, but they did not succeed. Mr. Gilson and Luretta J. Young, a little girl 13 years old who had been drawing the names, were advised to leave, which they did, with all the papers, unnoticed by the Trenton men. Gilson came down and stopped at the Mansion House a few moments and then started for the post-office. He had not proceeded far when he noticed that his escape from the court house had been ascertained and that they were coming down the hill of the run after him. They caught him near Mr. Wightman’s residence, but he jerked himself loose and succeeded in getting near Frisby & Weil’s law office when he was again caught. A man had one arm around his body and in the other hand he held a heavy stone while one of two others had hold of his coat. He kept backing towards the office, telling them that he had only been doing his duty and if they wished he would resign and some one else might be appointed in his stead but that he could not give up the papers. Some person then said that he would have them or Gilson’s live. Mr. Frisby came out and spoke for a considerable length of time to them. As he was a drafted man they put some confidence in what he said. (Ed. note-a month or two later Mr. Frisby purchased a substitute, according to this newspaper). He advised them to hold a meeting in the afternoon, and while they were consulting among themselves in relation to it, Mr. Gilson, more scared than harmed, got into the office, escaped from the back door, went to Mr. Green’s farm, procured a horse and then started for Hartford, took the cars there and went to Milwaukee, and upon receiving a dispatch from Madison started for the latter place to consult with the authorities there.
At the meeting in the afternoon speeches were made by Judge Shelley in German, and by F. O. Thorp in English, which had the desired effect. A committee of one from each town was appointed who drew up resolution praying for two months postponement of the draft, they stating that they would in that time raise the quota. The resolutions, accompanied by a letter from Messrs. Thorp, Shelley and Vollmar, have been forwarded the Madison.
In the evening the crowd, which was composed mostly of men from Trenton and Polk, Marched through our Street in something like military order to the store of H. Trakat, an abolitionist, of whom they demanded something to drink, but as he did not gratify their wish a few stones were hurled through the windows, whereupon they dispersed, and since then West Bend has been as quiet as ever.
This has been a disgrace to our county and the state. It was bad, but we are pleased that it passed off as easy as it has, that our village was not “cleaned out, as they threatened. We think the draft will yet be made. The papers are in this place all safe. The Ozaukee trouble was the starting point of the muss here. Not more than 15 or 20 men were really engaged in the affair, and we anticipate no further trouble.
The Draft in Ozaukee County!
The Commissioner attacked and Houses torn down!
The Provost Marshal and six hundred men gone to the scene of action!
From the Milwaukee News.
The draft in Ozaukee county, which was to have come off on Tuesday at Port Washington, as has already been reported, was broken up by a mob of the citizens, and the commissioner, Wm. A. Pors, Esq., compelled to fly from the county. The following are the particulars as we learn them from parties acquainted with facts:
On Tuesday, Mr. Pors and his assistants were approaching the Court House, preparatory to the discharge of their duties under the order of the governor, when they were attacked by a promiscuous multitude of citizens. Mr. Pors after having been badly injured, succeeded in escaping from the hands of the excited populace, and fled to this city. The crowd then waited upon the sheriff, and compelled him to deliver up all the documents and machinery relating to the draft, which were summarily destroyed. Vengeance was then visited upon those who had been prominent in counseling order and submission to the proceeding. Yesterday at one o’clock Tomlinson’s mill had been torn down; the house of Hon. A. M. Blair, lately state senator from that county, had been sacked; Mr. Blair himself was badly injured; a Mr. Ramsey, not the Bank Comptroller, and a clergyman were seriously hurt; and the residence of S. A. White, had been gutted; the house of the commissioner had been torn down and his furniture thrown into the streets; :Lafayette Towsley’s house had been attacked and badly damaged, and the Masonic Hall was cleaned out.-In all, eight houses had been mobbed and injured, and at the date of last information, the mob was threatening an attack upon Blake’s store. Mr. Pors is now in the vicinity of this city in the hands of his friends.
Last night, the Provost Marshal Gen. of the state, W. D. McIndoe, arrived in the city; six hundred infantry, being part of the 28th regiment, were furnished with thirty rounds of cartridges each and accompanied by the Provost Marshal and Lieut. Col. Whittaker, departed on the boat for the scene of disturbances.-W. H. Ramsey, the Bank Comptroller, whose residence is Port Washington, accompanied the party. It was reported that the “insurgents” had planted canon upon the pier at Port Washington anticipating the arrival of soldiery. In view of this fact, it is understood that the provost Marshal with the infantry would land at Port Ulao, this side of Port Washington, and enter the town in the rear before light in the morning.
Later.- Col. Lewis had arrived at Port Washington, and captured about 200 prisoners. The troops were taken there on the two steamers Comet and Sunbeam, and were landed at Port Ulao five miles south of Port Washington.–From Ulao the troops marched to Port Washington, Col. Lewis ordering a part of the regiment to the rear of the place, and in this manner they formed a complete circle of pickets about the village so that escape was impossible for any one without a pass.
They showed no fight whatever as soon as they saw their unfortunate predicament. The troops at once advanced into the village, leaving pickets behind, and Colonel Lewis, and Provost Marshal McIndoe took the court house for their headquarters. Arrests were at once made, and many of the citizens assisted the troops in pointing out those who had been engaged in the riot. The ringleaders were taken first among whom is a man named Kemp and a butcher named Wagner, besides many others.
The Luxemburgers all cowed down like curs. They would run hither and thither through the village, some hiding in barns and sheds, and some attempting to take to the woods, but before they had gone far some of the soldiers would overtake them. Not a shot was fired, and there was no necessity for anything of the kind. There was no cannon upon the pier, as had been reported, and the only one in the town that could be made available, was an old piece that occupied some high ground near the Court House. This was not loaded, and there was no resistance made. The wreck made by the rioters has not been exaggerated in the least. The village looks as though a tornado had swept through some portions of it, completely gutting several fine mansions, and devastating the grounds surrounding them. The troops were treated in the most hospitable manner by the better class of citizens, who fed them with all they wanted to eat. The prisoners were lodged in the Court House as soon as taken.
Some of the troops are to take one of the boats and go a few miles below the Port where it was said there was a little settlement of the rioters. Eighty-nine of the prisoners were sent from the Port to Milwaukee, on the steamer Sunbeam. Capt. White and Lieut. Bean, with their company, were placed in command of them. The company marched through the streets of Milwaukee in the form of a hollow square, with the prisoners in the centre, who looked decidedly crestfallen, and were probably deeply ashamed of the scrape they have got themselves into.-They have been taken to Camp Washburn, and will undoubtedly be put into the army without any further chance of a draft. The rest of the regiment remained behind, together with the rest of the field officers and Provost Marshal. They will probably hunt up more prisoners, and perhaps carry out the draft in that county.
Article #15__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Feb. 14, 1863.
List of Officers.- We have succeeded in obtaining a correct list of the officers of Company G 26th regiment Wis. Volunteers.
They are:
Capt. Charles Pizzala,
L. F. Frisby, A. Semler, George Ippel, Wm. B. Barnes, John T. Hutchings, Philipp Schuster, A. Horstmann, F. Everly, J. Potter Jr, H. Traknet, L. Lucas, Stephen Mayer, A. C. Coe, and Peter Frazer.
Moved and carried that when this meeting adjourns it adjourns until Friday evening next at 7 o’clock at the Court House, and that said committee then report.
Upon a call of Jac. E. Mann the following persons came forward and enrolled themselves, and were sworn in as members of the “Washington County Rifles:”
Jac. Heipp. J. Horn.
R. H. Templeton Julius Jewlson
Jac. Wagner. F. Uemmel.
J. Shulby Peter Stoffel.
Conrad Mack Chas. Hassemann.
Killian Schnepf. Jan Kexheimer
Sat Aug 16, 1862
Washington county has been cursed from one end of the state to the other for not furnishing more men for the war. It may be true that she has not furnished her quota; it would be strange indeed if such were not the case considering the treatment she has received. But one thing is equally true, she has not credit for half the men she has furnished, while other places, (and we will instance Milwaukee,) have credit for more men than they have furnished. There is hardly a regiment of Infantry or Cavalry or a Battery of artillery from this state, but what Washington County is represented in-by privates-nothing more of course. If we have not furnished all the men we ought, there is a reason for it. Recruiting commissions have been very sparingly dealt out for this county, and other commissions, except to officer companies, can all be summed up thus.–00,000.– Since the late call, and districting the state, applications for recruiting commissions from this county have been on file at Madison for weeks, without receiving the slightest notice. We suppose it is deemed sufficient, if the people of this county are allowed the privilege of going to Milwaukee or some other place outside the county and enlist.
Milwaukee was allowed some dozen or more recruiting officers, and no delay was caused by the non-arrival of the Col. of the 24th Reg., in the state. But Milwaukee is a favored place: she acknowledges that she is 900 deficient on her quota of the 600,000 call, but still she is not deficient in her quota of appointees. She has had the appointment of eight Colonels, out of the first 19 regiments, and Lieut. Cols., Majors, Adjutants and Quartermasters, without stint. In the 24th reg she has already the Lieut. Col., Quartermaster, Adjutant and Surgeon, and probably will get the Major and assistant surgeon, and although the population of our county is made up of the same material that Milwaukee is, yet we have not had the poor privilege of furnishing even a wet nurse. We have not the least doubt that a majority of all the men now enlisted at the various recruiting offices in Milwaukee, are from the country. We know that quite a number have gone from this county.
What has been said of Milwaukee in reference to commissions may also be said of Madison, for the most of her citizens have held commissions in appointments of some kind, since the commencement of the war. True the people of this county, have not besieged, or slept at the door of the executive office, yet the appointment of two or three different persons has been in the service nearly a year, and has had the recommendation of a prominent General commanding in Miss.,–yet it is of no avail. Men without knowledge or experience in the military art, have been appointed because they lived in Milwaukee or Madison, and was urged by my particular friend. The general feeling in this county, is that we have been treated as if we were not fit for anything but privates, and ought to go to Milwaukee, or some other place out of the county to enlist.
We had supposed that the order of the Governor, that the Regimental officers of the five regiments districted through the state must reside in the district, was to get officers from among the people to influence enlistments, but such does not seem to be the object or all the officers in the 24th would not have been in Milwaukee.
We deny that the people of this county are not loyal and ready to enlist. Five have already enlisted from this office, among them one of the editors of this paper, and now we have taken the field, the first day got 11 recruits.
We most decidedly deny that this county is not loyal, but on the contrary believe if she had been treated with half the consideration that other counties have been, she would have furnished her quota. About 300 regimental officers, surgeons, assistant surgeons and chaplains have been appointed in this State, aside from Allotment commissions State agents &c.,&c., and yet Washington County does not figure on the list (a shame indeed that we have not one, two or three men of sufficient ability to hold positions of that kind.) Surely, enlistments have been encouraged with a vengeance in this county. Yet, under all this seeming attempts to disgrace this county, if a decent opportunity was given, the quota for the county could be raised without draft–but as Washington county is largely democratic, there is no use of expecting any appointments.
Article #6__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Aug 30, 1862
Adieu- Patrons! farewell. My country calls me and I am going. My partner volunteered nearly a year ago, and now I follow suit. The Post will be continued in some shape, and until we can get the matter regulated, we trust you will bear with us, and excuse any seeming neglect which may appear from our columns.
Yours Truly,
Jacob E. Mann.
Article #7__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Sept 6, 1862
Our Correspondence.- So far we have had but one regular correspondent, C. D. W. but after the 26th leaves the state, Mr. Mann will also hold regular correspondence with the “Post”.
Sat. Sept 6, 1862
Gone.- Early last Thursday morning the “Washington Co. Rifles” left this place for the rendezvous of the 26th, (Siegel) regiment, encamped at Milwaukee. With them, went (as their captain) Jacob E. Mann, one of the editors and proprietors of this paper, who upon the call of his country, with true patriotism threw up his profession, and volunteered to help fight our country’s battles thereby following the noble example of his partner, who, as you all know, follows the fortunes of the twelfth Reg. Wis. Vol. He is the third editor this office has sent to the war.
Article #8__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Sept 13, 1862
My husband Jacob E. Mann and my brother Charles D. Waldo, Editors of this paper, having both gone to the war to fight the battles of our Country, I have taken the Editorial chair for the time being, and propose to run this establishment to the best of my abilities- I hope that our kind readers under such circumstances will make all due allowance while the paper is in our charge. Whilst those who are dear to us are helping to put down this accursed rebellion with the weapons of war, far away from home, we here will try and wield the pen for the same purpose. We will willingly give up the Editorial chair when the Union is reestablished upon a permanent basis as we are for the Union as it was and the constitution as it is.
Carrie Mann.
Sat. Sept 13, 1862.
We notice in the list of killed and wounded in the late battles before Washington, 2nd Lieut. Ed. P. Kellogg (formerly one of the editors of this paper) had an arm shot off and taken prisoner. We are sorry to hear that our friend Mr. Kellogg has had this misfortune to lose an arm, and fall into the hands of the rebels, but we hope he will have the good luck to put an end to some of the traitors and then make good his escape.
Sat. Sept 13, 1862
The Washington County Rifles, comprising ninety seven men, commanded by Jacob E. Mann, as Captain, left this village on Thursday the 4th day of September to join the 26th Regiment known as the Sigel Regiment now in Milwaukee, they went from here to Schleisingerville, to take the Cars, and had to remain there, till Saturday morning before the LaCrosse Rail Road company would furnish Cars for their transport. On Monday eve previous to their departure, the citizens of this place and surrounding Country gave them a free supper and Ball at Vieths Hall; where a pleasant time was had, and every one seemed to enjoy themselves. We understand that the company has been ordered into camp, and we hope when this accursed rebellion is put down, the boys may all return to their anxious friends.
Article #9__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Sept 20, 1862.
Corporations are said to have no souls- we almost have come to that conclusion in regard to the LaCrosse and Milwaukee Rail Road company. Rail Roads are great institutions, but they can be great nuisances, and the LaCrosse and Milwaukee road has become such. The main travel from this county all goes to Schleisingerville, which is a prominent station on the road, but the passengers going from there of to that point, must by the rules of “the powers that be” of that road take a one horse passenger car behind an immense freight train, and travel at the rate of five or six miles per hour. We used to own an old “ass” that could take us to Milwaukee just as fast but when the LaCrosse road was built, we disposed of him, wishing to give up this one horse way of traveling.
A few days ago the “Washington Co. Rifles” commanded by Jacob I. Mann had to wait at Schleisingerville on the good will of said corporation before they could go to Milwaukee they waited from Thursday till Saturday morning and finally succeeded in getting some cars to go with, after a forty-eight hours delay. The people of Washington County have contributed largely to the support of said road, and we justly ask from the managers of the road for such treatment as we are deserving of, and that the express train going each way should be made to stop at Schleisingerville, and such other familities allowed our people as we are deserving of and that we should be treated as good customers as we are and not as don’t care a d–n. When the road was being built the managers knew us well and to hear them talk we were their best friends because we were lending them a helping hand, but that Corporation has forgotten its early friends & knows no friend now but the almighty dollar.
Article #10__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Oct 4, 1862
The undersigned, Having both enlisted for the war, have disposed of the “Post”, together with the entire office, consisting of Press, type, and all material of every name and nature pertaining to the same, to John E. Mann, to whom all accounts of this office must be paid.
Dated West Bend Sept 22d, 1862.
Wald & Mann.
Sat Oct 4, 1862
The 26th Reg leaves next Monday for Washington.
Sat Oct 4, 1862
The following is the roster of the field and company officers of the 26th stationed at Milwaukee, and as yet no decisive information of their destination or day of departure can be obtained:
Colonel, William H. Jacobs.
Lieut. Col., Charles Lehman.,
Major, Phillip Horwitz.
Adjutant, Phil. Y. Schlosser.
Co. A.
Capt. William George;
1st Lieut. Chris. Darnow;
2d, do Augst. F. Mueller.
Co. B.
Capt, Fred C. Winkler;
1st Lieut. Chris. Darnow;
2d, do F. Lackner.
Co. C.
Capt, John P. Seemann;
1st Lieut, —-Fuchs,
2d, do Bernard Domschcke;
Co. D.
Capt, August Ligowshy;
1st Lieut, August Schaller;
2d, do Charles Ottilie;
Co. E.
Capt. Antoine Kettler;
1st Lieut C. W. Neukirch;
2d, do John C. Hacken.
Co. F.
Capt. Henry Baetz;
1st Lieut —– Pizzala;
2d, do Albert Walter;
Co. G.
Capt. Jacob E. Mann;
1st Lieut William Smith:
2d, * Meisswinkel;
Co. H.
Capt. Hans Boebel:
1st Lieut. Joseph Wetig:
2d. do Chas. Vecke;
Co. I.
Capt. Frans Lantz;
1st Lieut, H. J. Birminger;
2d, do John Orth.
Co. K
Capt. Lewis Pelosi:
1st Lieut, Jacob Heippe;
2d, do Edward Karl.
*First name not given.
Article #11__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Oct. 11, 1862.
The 26th Reg.
This regiment arrived in Chicago at 7 o’clock p.m. by special train on the Milwaukee and Chicago R. R., and our readers may form some idea of their appearance, from the following which appeared in the Daily Times:
* * On arriving in the city the regiment was formed in marching order and proceeded to the depot of the Michigan Southern Railroad, where two trains were in readiness to receive them. Before taking their departure, however, the officers of the regiment, were escorted to the Tremont House, where a sumptuous supper was provided for them at the expense of the Michigan Southern Railroad company. At ten o’clock they were again at the depot of the Michigan Southern road, and in a few minutes thereafter, the heavily freighted trains moved off, bearing towards the field of strife, a corps composed of as good fighting material as has been sent into the war from any state, east or west.
Article #12__________________________________________________________________________
Sat 18 Oct, 1862
The Issues We Deal With
The Main issues recognized during the presidential election of 1860 are dead. The question of slavery in the territories is no longer a question for decision either in congress, in the ballot box, or anywhere else. All the incidental questions of that campaign are now swept away by the current of subsequent events. The people have now to determine solely whether or not the constitution and the union shall be preserved, whether or not this is a land of liberty and a land of law.
The republican party is essentially revolutionary. It has grown strong upon its capacity to destroy. Its first existence in this state is distinguished by an attempt to nullify the constitution and resist the government. Its whole existence has been marked by bold attempts upon the executive and judicial authority of the nation. It denounced the laws of congress and resisted them. It denounced the president and resisted him. It denounced the supreme court, and resisted it.
In Wisconsin it mobbed the officers of the federal government. In Kansas, it established a revolutionary government. In Massachusetts, federal laws were executed only by armed force. It denied the rights of the people of the territories to legislate for themselves. It attacked the rights of the states, and intermeddled with their local institutions without moral or legal justification. It did no act to sustain the federal government , the independence of the states, of the rights of the people. It sought to substitute the government of a party for the government established by law, in the nation, in states and in territories.
Assuming the reins of the government, it lost none of its treasonable spirit.–When the president has sought to abide by the constitution, and to enforce it, the politicians of his party have mercilessly assaulted him, threatening him with deposition. The people of the border states, nine tenths of whom were loyal to the Union then the war began, were tantalized, misrepresented and libeled, because they refused to join in the mad scheme for the subversion of the constitution. The purposes of the dominant party were made the test of loyalty. Democrats in loyal states were thrown into prison, while the open advocates of disunion were protected, honored and applauded.
Now a position is taken, more bold, more defiant, more dangerous than all preceding. The crime they now (illegible word- perhaps deny?-ed) to commit includes all their previous crimes. The government, they assume, , must be subverted for the sake of the government. The Constitution is white paper, of no binding force upon loyal men or upon the ministers of the government. States must be reduced to provinces, and provinces to dependent “colonies”. The President can do no wrong, save to violate the wishes of his party. His power is unlimited, save by the decrees of a party. The whole theory of the government is proclaimed false, and a new government must be established upon the old one- a new government, unlimited, supreme, omnipotent throughout the land.
Such is the party with which the people have now to contend. To be a republican implies an unqualified endorsement of all the revolutionary schemes we have stated. To vote for a republican is to vote for them all. The government is in issue here in Wisconsin, as well as on the Potomac. Liberty is at stake here as well there. We vote here in November directly for the Constitution or against it-for a Union of independent states and for the rights of a sovereign people or against them. Give us a victory for the Constitution and the Union at the polls, and the lives of our soldiers have not been surrendered in vain.-Defeated, and all is lost worthy a freeman’s defense. Defeated, and the rebellion which we are so nobly struggling to quell, is invigorated with new life by the faithlessness of ourselves to the government it is our duty to maintain.
Article #13__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Nov 1, 1862.
Most of our late exchanges admit the fact that thousands of free Negroes have lately arrived in the northern states from the south. Abolitionists even in Wisconsin have advertised to forward blacks of both sexes and of all ages to those who wish for such as help, and many have already come into our state, our laws not preventing it. We look upon this extensive immigration of these free blacks into the free states, to mix in with and compete with the free white labor of the north as a most outrageous policy. The equality, as such there must be, will be formed by reducing the whites to a level with the blacks. White labor will be degraded; yes, utterly destroyed if this is not thwarted. It must be stopped soon if ever. The only way to keep these sons and daughters of Ham from overrunning our state and disgracing our race is left with the Democrats. For your honor, dignity and all your cherish, see that you vote for men that will help pass laws this winter at Madison which will free our state of this curse.
Article #14__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Nov 15, 1862
The Draft in this County.
On Monday morning last commissioner E. H. Gilson commenced drafting in the court house for the men yet due from Washington county. The draft for the towns of West Bend, Barton, Kewaskum, Farmington and Jackson was completed the first day without any opposition whatever. The draft for the town of Trenton was completed on Tuesday by eleven o’clock. The room was pretty well crowded, and quite an uneasiness was manifested by the men from Trenton during the draft, and as soon as the last name was drawn one of the excited men stepped up of a chair and spoke to the crowd in the German language, and also asked the commissioner of he was ready to deliver up the papers. Sheriff Weimar and others endeavored to quell the crowd which was becoming a mob, but they did not succeed. Mr. Gilson and Luretta J. Young, a little girl 13 years old who had been drawing the names, were advised to leave, which they did, with all the papers, unnoticed by the Trenton men. Gilson came down and stopped at the Mansion House a few moments and then started for the post-office. He had not proceeded far when he noticed that his escape from the court house had been ascertained and that they were coming down the hill of the run after him. They caught him near Mr. Wightman’s residence, but he jerked himself loose and succeeded in getting near Frisby & Weil’s law office when he was again caught. A man had one arm around his body and in the other hand he held a heavy stone while one of two others had hold of his coat. He kept backing towards the office, telling them that he had only been doing his duty and if they wished he would resign and some one else might be appointed in his stead but that he could not give up the papers. Some person then said that he would have them or Gilson’s live. Mr. Frisby came out and spoke for a considerable length of time to them. As he was a drafted man they put some confidence in what he said. (Ed. note-a month or two later Mr. Frisby purchased a substitute, according to this newspaper). He advised them to hold a meeting in the afternoon, and while they were consulting among themselves in relation to it, Mr. Gilson, more scared than harmed, got into the office, escaped from the back door, went to Mr. Green’s farm, procured a horse and then started for Hartford, took the cars there and went to Milwaukee, and upon receiving a dispatch from Madison started for the latter place to consult with the authorities there.
At the meeting in the afternoon speeches were made by Judge Shelley in German, and by F. O. Thorp in English, which had the desired effect. A committee of one from each town was appointed who drew up resolution praying for two months postponement of the draft, they stating that they would in that time raise the quota. The resolutions, accompanied by a letter from Messrs. Thorp, Shelley and Vollmar, have been forwarded the Madison.
In the evening the crowd, which was composed mostly of men from Trenton and Polk, Marched through our Street in something like military order to the store of H. Trakat, an abolitionist, of whom they demanded something to drink, but as he did not gratify their wish a few stones were hurled through the windows, whereupon they dispersed, and since then West Bend has been as quiet as ever.
This has been a disgrace to our county and the state. It was bad, but we are pleased that it passed off as easy as it has, that our village was not “cleaned out, as they threatened. We think the draft will yet be made. The papers are in this place all safe. The Ozaukee trouble was the starting point of the muss here. Not more than 15 or 20 men were really engaged in the affair, and we anticipate no further trouble.
The Draft in Ozaukee County!
The Commissioner attacked and Houses torn down!
The Provost Marshal and six hundred men gone to the scene of action!
From the Milwaukee News.
The draft in Ozaukee county, which was to have come off on Tuesday at Port Washington, as has already been reported, was broken up by a mob of the citizens, and the commissioner, Wm. A. Pors, Esq., compelled to fly from the county. The following are the particulars as we learn them from parties acquainted with facts:
On Tuesday, Mr. Pors and his assistants were approaching the Court House, preparatory to the discharge of their duties under the order of the governor, when they were attacked by a promiscuous multitude of citizens. Mr. Pors after having been badly injured, succeeded in escaping from the hands of the excited populace, and fled to this city. The crowd then waited upon the sheriff, and compelled him to deliver up all the documents and machinery relating to the draft, which were summarily destroyed. Vengeance was then visited upon those who had been prominent in counseling order and submission to the proceeding. Yesterday at one o’clock Tomlinson’s mill had been torn down; the house of Hon. A. M. Blair, lately state senator from that county, had been sacked; Mr. Blair himself was badly injured; a Mr. Ramsey, not the Bank Comptroller, and a clergyman were seriously hurt; and the residence of S. A. White, had been gutted; the house of the commissioner had been torn down and his furniture thrown into the streets; :Lafayette Towsley’s house had been attacked and badly damaged, and the Masonic Hall was cleaned out.-In all, eight houses had been mobbed and injured, and at the date of last information, the mob was threatening an attack upon Blake’s store. Mr. Pors is now in the vicinity of this city in the hands of his friends.
Last night, the Provost Marshal Gen. of the state, W. D. McIndoe, arrived in the city; six hundred infantry, being part of the 28th regiment, were furnished with thirty rounds of cartridges each and accompanied by the Provost Marshal and Lieut. Col. Whittaker, departed on the boat for the scene of disturbances.-W. H. Ramsey, the Bank Comptroller, whose residence is Port Washington, accompanied the party. It was reported that the “insurgents” had planted canon upon the pier at Port Washington anticipating the arrival of soldiery. In view of this fact, it is understood that the provost Marshal with the infantry would land at Port Ulao, this side of Port Washington, and enter the town in the rear before light in the morning.
Later.- Col. Lewis had arrived at Port Washington, and captured about 200 prisoners. The troops were taken there on the two steamers Comet and Sunbeam, and were landed at Port Ulao five miles south of Port Washington.–From Ulao the troops marched to Port Washington, Col. Lewis ordering a part of the regiment to the rear of the place, and in this manner they formed a complete circle of pickets about the village so that escape was impossible for any one without a pass.
They showed no fight whatever as soon as they saw their unfortunate predicament. The troops at once advanced into the village, leaving pickets behind, and Colonel Lewis, and Provost Marshal McIndoe took the court house for their headquarters. Arrests were at once made, and many of the citizens assisted the troops in pointing out those who had been engaged in the riot. The ringleaders were taken first among whom is a man named Kemp and a butcher named Wagner, besides many others.
The Luxemburgers all cowed down like curs. They would run hither and thither through the village, some hiding in barns and sheds, and some attempting to take to the woods, but before they had gone far some of the soldiers would overtake them. Not a shot was fired, and there was no necessity for anything of the kind. There was no cannon upon the pier, as had been reported, and the only one in the town that could be made available, was an old piece that occupied some high ground near the Court House. This was not loaded, and there was no resistance made. The wreck made by the rioters has not been exaggerated in the least. The village looks as though a tornado had swept through some portions of it, completely gutting several fine mansions, and devastating the grounds surrounding them. The troops were treated in the most hospitable manner by the better class of citizens, who fed them with all they wanted to eat. The prisoners were lodged in the Court House as soon as taken.
Some of the troops are to take one of the boats and go a few miles below the Port where it was said there was a little settlement of the rioters. Eighty-nine of the prisoners were sent from the Port to Milwaukee, on the steamer Sunbeam. Capt. White and Lieut. Bean, with their company, were placed in command of them. The company marched through the streets of Milwaukee in the form of a hollow square, with the prisoners in the centre, who looked decidedly crestfallen, and were probably deeply ashamed of the scrape they have got themselves into.-They have been taken to Camp Washburn, and will undoubtedly be put into the army without any further chance of a draft. The rest of the regiment remained behind, together with the rest of the field officers and Provost Marshal. They will probably hunt up more prisoners, and perhaps carry out the draft in that county.
Article #15__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Feb. 14, 1863.
List of Officers.- We have succeeded in obtaining a correct list of the officers of Company G 26th regiment Wis. Volunteers.
They are:
Capt. Charles Pizzala,
2d Lieut. Hermann Furstenberg,
1st Sergeant John Horn,
2d ” John Remmel,
3d ” Henry Blenker
4th ” William Salter
5th ” Karl Jasten,
2d ” John Remmel,
3d ” Henry Blenker
4th ” William Salter
5th ” Karl Jasten,
1st Corporal John Shultz,
2d ” Jacob Wagner,
3d ” John Guenther,
4th ” Henry Guenther
5th ” Anthony Rusho,
6th ” George Koehler,
7th ” Albert Kansel
8th ” Jacob Weinand.
2d ” Jacob Wagner,
3d ” John Guenther,
4th ” Henry Guenther
5th ” Anthony Rusho,
6th ” George Koehler,
7th ” Albert Kansel
8th ” Jacob Weinand.
Article #16__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Feb 21, 1863
Somewhat over four months ago I assumed charge of the Post, and have edited it ever since, but with this issue I vacate the editorial chair to make room for Capt. Jacob E. Mann. When I first arrived it was not my wish to edit the paper, but circumstances were so that I did, commencing young and inexperienced. If I have succeeded in presenting an acceptable and agreeable paper, my desire has been gratified. Considering the short time I have resided here, I have formed many pleasant associations, and in leaving part with many friends.
My labors, politically, have been firmly attached to the Democratic party and its principles, and I now, as much as ever, hope that the change which has been taking place in the minds of the northern people will continue till our different halls of legislation are purely democratic. The Union, the Constitution, the laws and the flag of our country, with every star shining brightly on its fords, is our motto, and we hope soon to see the old flag waving proudly, as it once did, over all this land, without a faded stripe of a fallen star.
With my best wishes for the success of Capt. Mann, and for the prosperity and happiness of the citizens of Washington county and West Bend in particular, I say farewell.
Erastus W. Root.
Article #17__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Feb. 28, 1863
Six months ago, being inspired with patriotism and love of country, (The same that induced our partner to enlist one year previous,) we raised a company of brave and sturdy young men, and joined the 26th Reg., bound to fight, bleed and die in defense of that glorious constitution bequeathed us, by our forefathers. But alas! how soon was our youthful ardor dampened under the influence of a Southern clime, hard crackers, and mother earth for a pillow. All our ambition and eagerness for the bloody strife; all our anticipations of a glorious death on the battle-field, soon vanished, and after a protracted illness, we turned our face homeward, and now having once more resumed the pen, which, in the hands of the righteous is more powerful than the sword, we shall still battle for our country and the constitution.
To our friends we once more extend our hand for their friendly grip. To our enemies we say come on, we are prepared to meet you.
J. E. M.
Sat. Mar 7, 1863.
Camp near Stafford C. H.
Article #18__________________________________________________________________________
February 18th, 1863
Friend * * *
Your kind favor of the 4th. inst. came to hand last week. I assure you it was thankfully received, as were also your papers which kept us posted in local affairs pretty well—To a soldier, separated from all the ties of home and friends, a newspaper is always welcome, and a letter doubly welcome. But with you within reach of so many literary entertainments a letter devoid of any news can not be half so valuable, so you must not consider it my duty to write either as often or as lengthy as you.
You see my letter is dated at the same place as when I last wrote you, but we are about three miles from our old camp ground. You have probably had an account of our march to Marca Church, and from thence back to our present encampment, so I will not weary you with a rehearsal. It is too bad that the foulness of the weather prevented the anticipated movement against the enemy for I think would it have been carried out we should have met with a decisive victory.
We have once more built us log huts, and with not much to do, and plenty of hard crackers, and fat pork, with which to supply the inner man, we live quite comfortably. If it rains all night at the rate it is coming down now, Uncle Sam will probably allow us to enjoy the fruits of our labor for some time to come for the roads will be impassable.
That love letter in the Post was decidedly rich, and the key to it in your letter, made it doubly rich. But don’t you think it too bad that his poetical heart breathings should be so ruthlessly spurned by the unappreciating fair one?–Poor fellow! he was like the man in olden times who was guilty of the folly of casting pearls before swine thinking they would appreciate them.
Since being in this camp we have received two or three rations of soft bread, with a promise of having it once or twice a week. I assure you it was highly prized as we had not had any before in two months, some of the boys sold their loaves as high as 25 cents.
My time is getting short and for fear this should mess the next mail I must conclude. Answer soon. The boys join with me in sending their respects.
Your Friend,
G. W. J.
(Ed Note: G. W. J. is probably George Wm. Jones of Company G, 26th Rgt., who eventually rose to become an adjutant for the regiment and led a successful life after the war.)
Article #19__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Mar 7, 1863
Personal.–Capt F. Winkler, of the 26th regiment, arrived here last week Friday. He reports the regiment in good health and spirits. His visit to this place was short, but pleasant. He left for Milwaukee on Tuesday, accompanied by one of the fair sex, of this village.
Article #20__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 16, 1863
List of Killed and Wounded of the 26th Wisconsin.
Augustus Rust, Co. A; Theodore Koenig, Co. A; August Schmidt, do; Wm. Hausburg, do; Jacob Gruder, do; Raymond Kieffer, do; August Tolzman, Co B; Louis Gross, Co D; Corporal M. Thienvaechter, Co E; Corp Muehlhaps, Co C; Corp Moritz Fuchs, do; Johan Ostertag, do; Sergeant Christ Schmidt, Co F Wm, Vogt, do; Corp Jacob Weinand, Co G; Wm Anhalt, Co H; Guisetoo Barbiere, Co. H; Winsel Gottfried, do.
Gutthold Jaenig, Co A; August Botz, do; Corp Chas Casper, Co B; Fred Liepold, do; Aug Kulke, Co B, severely; Capt. Chas Newkirch, Co E; Capt Chas Pizzala, Co G; Second Lieut Adolph Cordier, Co F; Wm Lauer, Co B, severely; Henry Fink, Co B; Chas Van Dran, do, severe; Aug. Moldenhauer, Co B; Aug Sharpe, do, slightly; Lieut Robert Mueller, Co C; Lieut H. Routh, do; Sergt J Muehl, do; Corp H. Urich, do, slightly; Corp D Schuly, do; J. Beres, do; Herman Roehr, Co F; Frederick Voss, do; Christopher Burchart; Jos Braumeister; Sergeant H Blenker, Co G; Corporal John Guenther, do; Corp A Fullerton, do; Martin Abbott, do; Richard Daily, do; Fritz Distler, do; Peter Dellenbach, do; Kilsam Schnepp, do; Martin Stroup, do; Fritz Schaefer, do; John Schmidt, do; Franz Zindorf, do; Matthias Zoeger, do; Sergeant Christian Harsch, Co H; Sergeant Jacob Nytes, do; H. Greve, Co K; H. Herman, Co C, severely; John Sauer, do, severely; Lewis Manly, do, slightly; A Sprangling, do; T. Wever, do; D. Weiss, do severely; Corp Miller, do, severely; Corp John Mower, Co. D, severely; Corp Geo Gross, Co D; Heinrich Eisner, do; Peter Lorsch, Co D, severely; Nicalaus Rasmunen, Co d; Adam Fuelling, do; Corp Daniel Taube, Co F; Wm Hoefling, do; Friedrich Puls, do; Wenzel Joura, do; Jos Joachnnstahl, do; Corp Chas Grasse, Co H; Erasmus Ball, do; Werzel Kassman, do; Henry Remeck, do; Conrad Roth, do. Henry Welsh, Co H; Michael Wagoner, Co H; Fred Werner, Co H; John Adam Zinke, Co H; Phillipp Zimmerman, Co H; Cor Fisher, Co I; C Beckmann, do; W Baetz, do; C Behnpe, do; G Braun, do; P Dworschack, do; J Gaff, do; C Hamschuth, do; T Ners, do; J B Schmidt, do; Capt A Scheuler, Co K; Lieut Darflinger, Co K.
Wm Hoeflang, 26th Wis, thigh; Henry Hink, Co B, 26th Wis, arm; Fred Cavery, Co H, 26th Wis, hand; John Harman, Co K, 26th Wis, arm; Juan Sacty, Co K, 26th Wis, severely; Martin Abbott, Co G, 26th Wis, finger; Henry Breusel, Co K, 26th Wis, arm; (this is evidently an error).
Frederick Steinchoff, K, 26th Wis; A Marsbrach, K, 26th Wis; Peter Bunkhard, K, 26th Wis; J Braunrithel, F, 26th Wis; John Wasgoroigy, E, 26th Wis; John S Cady, E, 3rd Wis.
Article #21__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 28, 1863
Killed and Wounded of Co. G, 26th Wis Regiment.
Sergt. Henry Blenker, wounded in breast; Corp Jacob Weinand, killed; Corp Henry Junta, do; Corp John Bunter, missing; 1st Sergt Wm Salter, wounded and prisoner; Corp George Rusco, killed; Andrew Fullerton, slightly wounded; Martin Abbott, prisoner; Richard Daily, wounded in hips and died in hospital of his wounds; Franz Distler, missing; Andreas Stebanos, do; Peter Dellenbach, wounded in back; Charles Frenz, slightly wounded; Henry Miller, do; Mathias Zoeger, wounded in knee; H. Allen, prisoner; Jacob Dixheimer, killed; George Emmett, wounded in right leg; Jacob Knobel, wounded in shoulder and knee; Jacob Lauermann, missing; John Meyer, severely wounded; Emerson Smith, prisoner; Joseph Steinmets, killed, Peter Ullwelling, wounded; John Vetter, leg amputated and died.
Article #22__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 1, 1863
List of Killed Wounded& Missing, of Co. G. 26th Regt. Wis. Vol. July 1st at Gettysburg Pa.
Killed.-Corp. George Koehler, Private Ferdinand Fritz, Private Fritz Zihlsdorf.
Wounded.- Lt. Fuerstenberg, slightly; Sergt. John Schultz, severely; Corp. & color bearer John Ritger severely, Corp. John Walter, slightly; Corp. Henry Miller, slightly. Privates, Christian Fransz, severely; Charles Fransz, severely; Bernhard Daul, severely; William Hughes, severely; Charles Havemann, slightly; Nicholas Young, severely; John Fitting slightly; Peter Walter, severely; Joachim Wiedemann, slightly; Jacob Heing, severely; Peter Kuhn, severely; Gottlieb Metzner, severely; George Schuh severely; George Dellenbach slightly; Andreas Shebanus, slightly.-Total Wounded 19.
Missing.-Albert Story and Julius Judson, who according to the report of those who saw them are taken prisoners without being injured. Total killed, wounded and missing 25.
Co. “G” entered the field with 32 men and came off with 7 men uninjured, besides this there were 8 men on picket who were not in the fight thus giving at present a total of 15 men in Co. G. for duty.
Lieut Col. Boebel Comdg. the Regt was severely wounded and Major Baetz and adj’t Wallber slightly wounded.–There was but one Captain and four Lieutenants in the Regt. left uninjured.
G. W. J.
(probably George Jones)
Article #23__________________________________________________________________________
Sat July 16, 1864, p2 col 6
From Sherman’s Army.-Late accounts state that four Wisconsin regiments-the 12th, 14th, 16th, and 17th-were engaged in the disastrous battle of the 17th ultimo. We have not yet seen a list of the casualties. The 26th regiment has also been under severe fire, and lost seven killed, and thirty-four wounded.
Article #24__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 27, 1864 p2 col 3
From the 26th Regiment.
Our friend Abraham Barr, has handed us a letter recently received from Lieut. C. W. Karsten, of the 26th Regiment, from which we extract the following official report of Col. Wood, who had command of the brigade at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, July 20th, 1864:
Headquarters 3d brig 3d div 20th a.c.
Near Atlanta, Ga., 1864.
To Lieut. Col Winkler, commanding
26th Regt. Wis. Vol:
When all behaved well it may be regarded as wonderous to call attention to individuals, yet it seems to me that I cannot discharge my whole duty in this respect, without pointing out for especial commendation, the conduct of the 26th Regt. Wis. Vol. Infty, and its brave and able commander. The position of the regiment in the line, was such that the brunt of the attack upon the brigade fell upon it, but the brave, skillful and determinable manner in which it met this attack; rolled back the onset; pressed forward in a counter charge, and drove back the enemy, could not be excelled by any troops in this, or any other army, and is worthy of the highest commendation and praise. It is to be hoped that such conduct will be held up as an example for others, and will meet its appropriate reward.
Col. Wood, com’ng
3d Brig 3d Div. 20th A. C.
Article #25__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Nov 26, 1864, P2, col6
The Mysterious Expedition of Gen. Sherman.
Thomas B Keogh, Esq. of this city left Sherman’s army a week ago Sunday morning (the 13th) and reached Milwaukee last Sunday morning.. He gives us many particulars as to the recent movements of Sherman which will just now interest the public.
Mr. Keogh was in Atlanta a week ago Friday. Preparations were then being made to burn the city, by order of Gen. Sherman. The population had nearly all departed. The last of the furniture and other household goods remaining, were being shipped northward. Every sort of public property was to be demolished utterly. The work of destruction commenced Saturday afternoon. There was then but one division of Slocum’s corps in Atlanta, and that was ordered to abandon the place on Saturday evening and join the main army at Big Shanty, ten miles north of Marietta and thirty miles north of Atlanta. This was the place of rendezvous for all the troops that were to accompany Sherman on his rumored expedition. On Saturday the headquarters of Gen. Sherman were removed from Kingston-on the Atlanta railroad, thirty miles north of Marietta. One division of the 15th corps and the whole of the 14th corps accompanied the general toward Big Shanty. At this time the 17th corps was engaged tearing up and destroying the railroad between Big Shanty and Ruff’s Station, an distance of fifteen miles, north and south of Marietta; the 20th corps was between Atlanta and Vining’s Station; and a portion of the 15th corps was between Vining’s Station and Ruff’s Station. All these troops-reported to number about 45,000 infantry and artillery and 15,000 cavalry-were to rendezvous at Big Shanty as soon as practicable. The railroad from Cartersville to Calhoun-a length of about 40 miles long north of Atlanta-was abandoned to the enemy on Saturday. Resaca was to be abandoned on Tuesday. It was believed that Dalton would also be abandoned, as well as all the railroad northward nearly to Chattanooga. The town of Big Shanty, Ackworth, Kingston and Calhoun had been burned. Altoona and Marietta were to suffer the same fate.-Mr. Keogh left the army lines at Cartersville a week ago Sunday morning, and saw Kingston in ashes. He also saw Calhoun burning on the next day. He was compelled to make his way on foot along the line of the railroad, all the way from Marietta to Calhoun, a distance of 68 miles. From Vining Station to Big Shanty-twenty miles-the railroad was already utterly destroyed. There were about twenty five persons in the party, who were the last that came through. Rebel cavalry probably took possession the next day.
It was unknown on what day Gen. Sherman would start from Big Shanty, nor was his destination supposed to be known to any one but himself. All soldiers incapable of the fatigue of a long march had been sent back to Chattanooga. All surplus baggage had been sent back or destroyed. The men were furnished with but few rations, and were reduced to the lightest possible marching order. It was thought impracticable for Sherman to start from Big Shanty before last Thursday, the 17th at the earliest. His purpose was a matter of general speculation among the soldiers, but no one theory was generally concurred in. The communications of the expedition with the north were utterly cut off, and it was considered impracticable for it to return northwards. Regular turnpikes run from Big Shanty to Mobile, and also to Augusta but, as far as the roads are concerned it would be possible to march in any other direction. Gen. Sherman once taught school at Marietta and is familiar with the whole country. The Georgia militia were supposed to be ???? lately south of Atlanta. We shall hear no more of the movement at present, except from rebel sources. Hood is still supposed to be near Florence in Alabama-about 20 miles from Pulaski, Tennessee. He is too far in the rear to follow, and the impression is that Sherman does not intend to delay his march to fight the enemy, unless absolutely compelled. It is inferred from the character of his equipment that he intends to make a desert of the country through which he passes.
The following Wisconsin regiments accompany the expedition: The 3d, Col. Hawley; 12th, Col. Proudfit; 15th (Scandanavian); the 16th, Maj. Dawes; 17th commanded by Major McCauley; 21st Lieut. Col. Fitch; 22s, Col. Bloodgood; 25th, Lieut. Col Rusk; 26th, Col Winkler; the 31st; and 32d, Col DeGroat. Col. Hobart of the 21st accompanies the expedition as commander of a brigade in the first division of the 14th corps.–News.
Article #26__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Dec 24, 1864, P3, col 2
California Correspondence.- We publish this week a communication from our late partner, Jacob E. Mann, who, (with Jacob Heipe, and Henry Lembke, well-known boys of this village) emigrated to California a few months since to try his fortunes in the land of gold. From his letter we should judge that times there were not very promising at the present time, but we presume, and trust he will find it more remunerative that publishing a seven by nine newspaper in a country like this, where you get nothing for your labor, and live on coffee and hard tack, donated you by your friends. We trust he may soon have his trowserloons lined with the yaller luere, and send us a chunk for relation’s sake.
Article #27__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Dec 24, 1864, P2, col 3
California Correspondence
San Francisco, Nov 12, 1864
Dear Post.-
Like many other wanderers, I find myself at last, traversing the streets of the Far famed city of the Pacific coast. It is a town of about one hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants composed of all nationalities on the face of the globe. For money making and sound currency, it beats the world; but as for beauty, it has no claims. The site of the city is sandy and hilly; and some of the streets inaccessible for teams.-There are a few notables here worthy of mention, the first of which is George Washington, who wears a wig, and dresses like Washington of old, and imagines himself to be the second Washington. The next is Emperor Norton, who also dresses, and imagines himself to be of noble blood and rank. Next comes Bummer and Lazarus, two dogs, who have for three years been allowed the privileges of the city, and the only ones that are allowed to run at large without muzzles. Lazaraus is a very old dog, and almost helpless, but is faithfully guarded and supported by Bummer, who will go down to the different markets after meat, and always carry the first piece to his aged companion, and woe be unto him who offers Lazarus an insult in Bummer’s presence. For fruits of all kinds California eclipses the world, whilst her vineyards, in a few years more will be able to supply the United States with the best quality of wine, at a low figure.
Business of all kinds, for the present is rather dull, whilst mining by the poorer classes is played out, for the reason that most of the gold and silver now found, is in quartz, and to separate the gold from it, requires expensive machinery. If some poor cuss is lucky enough to find a good mine, he is obliged (for want of means) to give a certain number of shares to men of capital. The next move is to get the company incorporated, and then if the original owner is not willing to sell out for a song, they freeze him out by a system of assessments which he is unable to meet. One hundred feet in a mine is called a share, and they are sold either by the share or single foot. Mining stock is ranging for the present from five to eighteen hundred dollars per foot. The best paying mine at present is the Gold and Currier, which pays a monthly dividend of fifty dollars per foot in coin. Many have quit work for the want of water.
The agricultural and mining interests of California were never suffering so severely for the want of rain as at the present time. We have uncertain accounts of protracted drouths in former years, prior to the discovery of gold, and while its inhabitants were a few Rancheros, but since agriculture and mining have engaged the attention of the people, there has been no drouth so protracted and so disastrous. More than two years of most continued absence of rain, together with an exceedingly dry atmosphere, has absorbed almost every particle of moisture from the earth, except when invigorated by living streams, and thousands and thousands of cattle have perished for the want of food. The farming population have anxiously hoped that they might be favored with rain early in November, that they might get in their seed early and have fair prospects of another year. But still the sky is void of all rain indication; still its brazen vault gives no sign of rain. Even with abundant rains, the breadth of land cultivated for the coming year, would be limited, for throughout the central portion of the State, the farmers haven’t got the seed necessary for extensive sowing, and the high prices at which grain is held, forbid their purchasing.- Hundreds of farms I am informed, and ranches in the Sacramento valley, were temporarily abandoned last spring; their owners going into the mountains with their stock, or engaging in other avocations for a time, intending to return when the rain should commence and permit them to resume farming operations.
The next few months will determine whether vast tracts of country, that has in former years been productive farming lands, must be permanently abandoned or not, for no farming population can well survive three years of continued drouth.
The mining interest suffers no less than that of agriculture. Thousands of miners have been resting in idleness, waiting patiently for water, until patience ceases to be a virtue. Consuming but producing nothing, they , in thousands of cases, have exhausted all of their resources, and unless rain comes soon must abandon their claims and seek other employment. If however, we should be blessed with abundant showers from heaven, California would again enjoy a season of great prosperity. Thousands of miners who have been for one or two years, engaged in throwing out rich deposits of auriferious earth, would be able to immediately wash out the gold. -Great tracks of surface diggings along the foot of the hills, supplied with water through natural and artificial means, would give thousands of miners immediate employment, and gold would flow out in abundance, giving new life and energy to every branch of industry.- Money would flow into the coffers of the interior merchant, and from him to the importer. The hum of revived industry would gladden the heart of the mechanic who would again find plenty of employment. The farmer would drive the plow share swiftly through the earth, animated by hopes of abundant crops, and the ranchman would gather in his half-starved herds, and again pasture them in the green valleys. When, however, we consider the enormity of our sins as a people, especially in casting our electoral vote for “ol’ d’abe,” we think it extremely doubtful whether our Heavenly Father will favor us with rain.
More anon.
J. E. M.
Article #28__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Mar 18, 1865
California Correspondence
San Francisco Feb. 5th 1865.
Dear Post-
In my last I briefly mentioned that wine was an important item among California products. But being now engaged in that line of business myself, I have taken some pains to post myself a little better. The remarkable adaptation of the soil and climate of this State, to the culture of the grape and manufacture of wine, is a well demonstrated fact. The product of our vines compare favorably with those of any other country. Of foreign countries the vineyards of Italy yield the most abundantly. The average annual production is said to be 411.5 gallons to the acre. Here it reaches the unprecedented figures of 800 to 900 gallons per acre where the vines have some age and are properly tended.
In California, moreover the crop is regular; no failure having occurred within the memory of the oldest settlers, though of course some years are more favorable than others; while elsewhere the failure of the grape crop is periodical and expected, for instance in Europe there has been but eleven good wine crops in the last 60 years. In Germany the failure is generally once in three years.
The quality of the wine, must depend upon that of the grape. Our winemakers have not yet cultivated to any considerable extent the finer grapes, from which the most delicate of European wines are made; yet such wines as are made here are pronounced abroad, fully equal to the best of a corresponding article that is made elsewhere.
They improve greatly by a sea voyage without any extraneous aid to enable them to withstand its effects. This fact has latterly made them more in request for shipment to New York and Europe, and the prospect of a large export demand has stimulated the planting of vines for the past few years. Every succeeding year, hereafter we may expect to see more extensive tracts of our rich soil reduced to the cultivation of the vine, until eventually, large districts of the State will resemble Southern France and Hungary, which appears like one vast vineyard. Meanwhile every effort will be made by intelligent vinters to produce wines that shall rival the choicest brands of Europe.
From published reports, it appears that there were last year, about 6,000,000 grape vines in the State, and that the wine product of 1864 was about 4,000,000 gallons, while the brandy product was about 200,000 gallons. The quality of the wine produced was on the average better than that of many previous years. The discrimination made by the raised tariffin favor of native wines has already created a considerable export demand for our California product while the home demand is steadily increasing. The culture of the grape and the making of wine are now better understood, and the State only needs more population to swell the business to one of extraordinary proportions. As an illustration of the success with which this business may be prosecuted here, I append the following facts relative to the Anaheim Vineyard in Los Angeles county, derived from a sworn statement of some of the managers.
The “Los Angeles Vineyard Society”, since known as the Anaheim Association, was formed in San Francisco in 1857, mostly by Germans, for the purpose of buying land and planting the same with vineyards, to be afterwards divided among the stockholders, somewhat after the manner of homestead associations. In August, 1857, the society bought from Don Pacifico Onteveras 1,200 acres of land in Los Angeles county, at a cost of $2 per acre. Of this tract, 400 acres were planted the following spring-about 900 vines to the acre being put in. In 1861 the first crop of these vines produced about 500 pipes of wine, at an average of 135 gallons to the pipe-making about 67,000 gallons. Since 1861 the product of these 400 acres has been increasing at the rate of 100 percent per annum, and will amount now to from 2,000 to 2,500 pipes, or from 270,000 to 337,000 gallons of wine. This wine, even at the depressed prices now ruling, is selling in the San Francisco market for 50 cents per gallon, at wholesale, or $67.50 per pipe; so that an actual cash outlay of $2,400 is realizing, within seven years from its first investment in the land, the large annual revenue of about $140,000, which sum is yearly increasing. These statistics would be more satisfactory if they were accompanied by statements of the expenditures for labor and other purposes, without which the actual net profit to the Anaheim shareholders cannot be estimated. But the lack of this information does not lessen the value of the statistics given as an evidence of the rapid growth and heavy yield of a well managed California vineyard.
Besides cultivating the grape on the 400 acres referred to, the Anaheim settlement has planted 200 more acres with vines which are not yet bearing, and has produced on the remaining 600 acres more than $8,000 worth of corn, barley, hay, beans, ets., every year, exclusive of the necessary supplies for horses and cattle, and of other articles for domestic use. The society has recently established a new landing at the sea shore, about 12 miles from its settlement, which is reached by a hard, level road at all seasons, where a warehouse has been erected for its convenience. The Senator touches here three times a month. The country surrounding the Anaheim settlement is equally well adapted for agricultural purposes. To the northward of it are located some deposits of asphaltuan, bituminous coal and gypsum, which are said to have recently attracted the attention of capitalists.
These circumstances are not foreign to the main subject under consideration, for they show that, even in the valley regions, California presents other advantages than the mere adaptability of her soil and climate to the culture of a given product. The varied resources of the land lie contiguous in the same districts, multiplying the attractions for immigration and investment, and the chances of reward to intelligently applied capital and labor. A thoughtful and well informed writer on Califormia agricultural topics estimates, in the course of an article contributed to the United States Agricultural Reports for 1863-4, that nearly fifty-two million acres of land in this State-or about one-third of its whole area-is well adapted to the production of wine. Excluding those localities, near the coast, where cold sea breezes and fogs prevail, he thinks it may be safely stated that all other portions of the State, lying under an altitude of 3,000 feet above the sea level-and which altitude in about the limit of the regular snow fall-are suited to vine culture. Much of this land lies on the eastern slope of the Sierra Navada, and is open to free occupation, subject to such legislation as Congress may yet determine upon as to its disposal. France, the greatest wine producing country in the world, has but 5,000,000 of acres in vine cultivation, and much of this area is but indifferent soil.
These facts will afford some idea to what greatness the grape culture will yet attain in California. J.E.M.
Article #29__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Apr 15, 1865
We noticed the arrival in our village last evening of Col F. C. Winkler, of the 26th Wisconsin. Col. W, with his gallant band has been foremost in the ranks of Gen. Sherman’s noble army through its victorious campaigns during the past year, and, we are happy to see, has come out unscathed, and with unfading laurels upon his brow.
Article #30__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Jun 3, 1865
Return on our Soldiers.
The Madison Capitol Gives the following list of the regiments from this state who are to be mustered out, and are coming to Camp Randall to rendezvous. Captain Marvin A. Daily, has been directed to furnish them subsistence while they are in camp awaiting payment. The number of regiments is six, and their aggregate it 4,792.
Regiment Exp of Army No Men
Sat. Feb 21, 1863
Somewhat over four months ago I assumed charge of the Post, and have edited it ever since, but with this issue I vacate the editorial chair to make room for Capt. Jacob E. Mann. When I first arrived it was not my wish to edit the paper, but circumstances were so that I did, commencing young and inexperienced. If I have succeeded in presenting an acceptable and agreeable paper, my desire has been gratified. Considering the short time I have resided here, I have formed many pleasant associations, and in leaving part with many friends.
My labors, politically, have been firmly attached to the Democratic party and its principles, and I now, as much as ever, hope that the change which has been taking place in the minds of the northern people will continue till our different halls of legislation are purely democratic. The Union, the Constitution, the laws and the flag of our country, with every star shining brightly on its fords, is our motto, and we hope soon to see the old flag waving proudly, as it once did, over all this land, without a faded stripe of a fallen star.
With my best wishes for the success of Capt. Mann, and for the prosperity and happiness of the citizens of Washington county and West Bend in particular, I say farewell.
Erastus W. Root.
Article #17__________________________________________________________________________
Sat. Feb. 28, 1863
Six months ago, being inspired with patriotism and love of country, (The same that induced our partner to enlist one year previous,) we raised a company of brave and sturdy young men, and joined the 26th Reg., bound to fight, bleed and die in defense of that glorious constitution bequeathed us, by our forefathers. But alas! how soon was our youthful ardor dampened under the influence of a Southern clime, hard crackers, and mother earth for a pillow. All our ambition and eagerness for the bloody strife; all our anticipations of a glorious death on the battle-field, soon vanished, and after a protracted illness, we turned our face homeward, and now having once more resumed the pen, which, in the hands of the righteous is more powerful than the sword, we shall still battle for our country and the constitution.
To our friends we once more extend our hand for their friendly grip. To our enemies we say come on, we are prepared to meet you.
J. E. M.
Sat. Mar 7, 1863.
Camp near Stafford C. H.
Article #18__________________________________________________________________________
February 18th, 1863
Friend * * *
Your kind favor of the 4th. inst. came to hand last week. I assure you it was thankfully received, as were also your papers which kept us posted in local affairs pretty well—To a soldier, separated from all the ties of home and friends, a newspaper is always welcome, and a letter doubly welcome. But with you within reach of so many literary entertainments a letter devoid of any news can not be half so valuable, so you must not consider it my duty to write either as often or as lengthy as you.
You see my letter is dated at the same place as when I last wrote you, but we are about three miles from our old camp ground. You have probably had an account of our march to Marca Church, and from thence back to our present encampment, so I will not weary you with a rehearsal. It is too bad that the foulness of the weather prevented the anticipated movement against the enemy for I think would it have been carried out we should have met with a decisive victory.
We have once more built us log huts, and with not much to do, and plenty of hard crackers, and fat pork, with which to supply the inner man, we live quite comfortably. If it rains all night at the rate it is coming down now, Uncle Sam will probably allow us to enjoy the fruits of our labor for some time to come for the roads will be impassable.
That love letter in the Post was decidedly rich, and the key to it in your letter, made it doubly rich. But don’t you think it too bad that his poetical heart breathings should be so ruthlessly spurned by the unappreciating fair one?–Poor fellow! he was like the man in olden times who was guilty of the folly of casting pearls before swine thinking they would appreciate them.
Since being in this camp we have received two or three rations of soft bread, with a promise of having it once or twice a week. I assure you it was highly prized as we had not had any before in two months, some of the boys sold their loaves as high as 25 cents.
My time is getting short and for fear this should mess the next mail I must conclude. Answer soon. The boys join with me in sending their respects.
Your Friend,
G. W. J.
(Ed Note: G. W. J. is probably George Wm. Jones of Company G, 26th Rgt., who eventually rose to become an adjutant for the regiment and led a successful life after the war.)
Article #19__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Mar 7, 1863
Personal.–Capt F. Winkler, of the 26th regiment, arrived here last week Friday. He reports the regiment in good health and spirits. His visit to this place was short, but pleasant. He left for Milwaukee on Tuesday, accompanied by one of the fair sex, of this village.
Article #20__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 16, 1863
List of Killed and Wounded of the 26th Wisconsin.
Augustus Rust, Co. A; Theodore Koenig, Co. A; August Schmidt, do; Wm. Hausburg, do; Jacob Gruder, do; Raymond Kieffer, do; August Tolzman, Co B; Louis Gross, Co D; Corporal M. Thienvaechter, Co E; Corp Muehlhaps, Co C; Corp Moritz Fuchs, do; Johan Ostertag, do; Sergeant Christ Schmidt, Co F Wm, Vogt, do; Corp Jacob Weinand, Co G; Wm Anhalt, Co H; Guisetoo Barbiere, Co. H; Winsel Gottfried, do.
Gutthold Jaenig, Co A; August Botz, do; Corp Chas Casper, Co B; Fred Liepold, do; Aug Kulke, Co B, severely; Capt. Chas Newkirch, Co E; Capt Chas Pizzala, Co G; Second Lieut Adolph Cordier, Co F; Wm Lauer, Co B, severely; Henry Fink, Co B; Chas Van Dran, do, severe; Aug. Moldenhauer, Co B; Aug Sharpe, do, slightly; Lieut Robert Mueller, Co C; Lieut H. Routh, do; Sergt J Muehl, do; Corp H. Urich, do, slightly; Corp D Schuly, do; J. Beres, do; Herman Roehr, Co F; Frederick Voss, do; Christopher Burchart; Jos Braumeister; Sergeant H Blenker, Co G; Corporal John Guenther, do; Corp A Fullerton, do; Martin Abbott, do; Richard Daily, do; Fritz Distler, do; Peter Dellenbach, do; Kilsam Schnepp, do; Martin Stroup, do; Fritz Schaefer, do; John Schmidt, do; Franz Zindorf, do; Matthias Zoeger, do; Sergeant Christian Harsch, Co H; Sergeant Jacob Nytes, do; H. Greve, Co K; H. Herman, Co C, severely; John Sauer, do, severely; Lewis Manly, do, slightly; A Sprangling, do; T. Wever, do; D. Weiss, do severely; Corp Miller, do, severely; Corp John Mower, Co. D, severely; Corp Geo Gross, Co D; Heinrich Eisner, do; Peter Lorsch, Co D, severely; Nicalaus Rasmunen, Co d; Adam Fuelling, do; Corp Daniel Taube, Co F; Wm Hoefling, do; Friedrich Puls, do; Wenzel Joura, do; Jos Joachnnstahl, do; Corp Chas Grasse, Co H; Erasmus Ball, do; Werzel Kassman, do; Henry Remeck, do; Conrad Roth, do. Henry Welsh, Co H; Michael Wagoner, Co H; Fred Werner, Co H; John Adam Zinke, Co H; Phillipp Zimmerman, Co H; Cor Fisher, Co I; C Beckmann, do; W Baetz, do; C Behnpe, do; G Braun, do; P Dworschack, do; J Gaff, do; C Hamschuth, do; T Ners, do; J B Schmidt, do; Capt A Scheuler, Co K; Lieut Darflinger, Co K.
Wm Hoeflang, 26th Wis, thigh; Henry Hink, Co B, 26th Wis, arm; Fred Cavery, Co H, 26th Wis, hand; John Harman, Co K, 26th Wis, arm; Juan Sacty, Co K, 26th Wis, severely; Martin Abbott, Co G, 26th Wis, finger; Henry Breusel, Co K, 26th Wis, arm; (this is evidently an error).
Frederick Steinchoff, K, 26th Wis; A Marsbrach, K, 26th Wis; Peter Bunkhard, K, 26th Wis; J Braunrithel, F, 26th Wis; John Wasgoroigy, E, 26th Wis; John S Cady, E, 3rd Wis.
Article #21__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 28, 1863
Killed and Wounded of Co. G, 26th Wis Regiment.
Sergt. Henry Blenker, wounded in breast; Corp Jacob Weinand, killed; Corp Henry Junta, do; Corp John Bunter, missing; 1st Sergt Wm Salter, wounded and prisoner; Corp George Rusco, killed; Andrew Fullerton, slightly wounded; Martin Abbott, prisoner; Richard Daily, wounded in hips and died in hospital of his wounds; Franz Distler, missing; Andreas Stebanos, do; Peter Dellenbach, wounded in back; Charles Frenz, slightly wounded; Henry Miller, do; Mathias Zoeger, wounded in knee; H. Allen, prisoner; Jacob Dixheimer, killed; George Emmett, wounded in right leg; Jacob Knobel, wounded in shoulder and knee; Jacob Lauermann, missing; John Meyer, severely wounded; Emerson Smith, prisoner; Joseph Steinmets, killed, Peter Ullwelling, wounded; John Vetter, leg amputated and died.
Article #22__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 1, 1863
List of Killed Wounded& Missing, of Co. G. 26th Regt. Wis. Vol. July 1st at Gettysburg Pa.
Killed.-Corp. George Koehler, Private Ferdinand Fritz, Private Fritz Zihlsdorf.
Wounded.- Lt. Fuerstenberg, slightly; Sergt. John Schultz, severely; Corp. & color bearer John Ritger severely, Corp. John Walter, slightly; Corp. Henry Miller, slightly. Privates, Christian Fransz, severely; Charles Fransz, severely; Bernhard Daul, severely; William Hughes, severely; Charles Havemann, slightly; Nicholas Young, severely; John Fitting slightly; Peter Walter, severely; Joachim Wiedemann, slightly; Jacob Heing, severely; Peter Kuhn, severely; Gottlieb Metzner, severely; George Schuh severely; George Dellenbach slightly; Andreas Shebanus, slightly.-Total Wounded 19.
Missing.-Albert Story and Julius Judson, who according to the report of those who saw them are taken prisoners without being injured. Total killed, wounded and missing 25.
Co. “G” entered the field with 32 men and came off with 7 men uninjured, besides this there were 8 men on picket who were not in the fight thus giving at present a total of 15 men in Co. G. for duty.
Lieut Col. Boebel Comdg. the Regt was severely wounded and Major Baetz and adj’t Wallber slightly wounded.–There was but one Captain and four Lieutenants in the Regt. left uninjured.
G. W. J.
(probably George Jones)
Article #23__________________________________________________________________________
Sat July 16, 1864, p2 col 6
From Sherman’s Army.-Late accounts state that four Wisconsin regiments-the 12th, 14th, 16th, and 17th-were engaged in the disastrous battle of the 17th ultimo. We have not yet seen a list of the casualties. The 26th regiment has also been under severe fire, and lost seven killed, and thirty-four wounded.
Article #24__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Aug 27, 1864 p2 col 3
From the 26th Regiment.
Our friend Abraham Barr, has handed us a letter recently received from Lieut. C. W. Karsten, of the 26th Regiment, from which we extract the following official report of Col. Wood, who had command of the brigade at the battle of Peach Tree Creek, July 20th, 1864:
Headquarters 3d brig 3d div 20th a.c.
Near Atlanta, Ga., 1864.
To Lieut. Col Winkler, commanding
26th Regt. Wis. Vol:
When all behaved well it may be regarded as wonderous to call attention to individuals, yet it seems to me that I cannot discharge my whole duty in this respect, without pointing out for especial commendation, the conduct of the 26th Regt. Wis. Vol. Infty, and its brave and able commander. The position of the regiment in the line, was such that the brunt of the attack upon the brigade fell upon it, but the brave, skillful and determinable manner in which it met this attack; rolled back the onset; pressed forward in a counter charge, and drove back the enemy, could not be excelled by any troops in this, or any other army, and is worthy of the highest commendation and praise. It is to be hoped that such conduct will be held up as an example for others, and will meet its appropriate reward.
Col. Wood, com’ng
3d Brig 3d Div. 20th A. C.
Article #25__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Nov 26, 1864, P2, col6
The Mysterious Expedition of Gen. Sherman.
Thomas B Keogh, Esq. of this city left Sherman’s army a week ago Sunday morning (the 13th) and reached Milwaukee last Sunday morning.. He gives us many particulars as to the recent movements of Sherman which will just now interest the public.
Mr. Keogh was in Atlanta a week ago Friday. Preparations were then being made to burn the city, by order of Gen. Sherman. The population had nearly all departed. The last of the furniture and other household goods remaining, were being shipped northward. Every sort of public property was to be demolished utterly. The work of destruction commenced Saturday afternoon. There was then but one division of Slocum’s corps in Atlanta, and that was ordered to abandon the place on Saturday evening and join the main army at Big Shanty, ten miles north of Marietta and thirty miles north of Atlanta. This was the place of rendezvous for all the troops that were to accompany Sherman on his rumored expedition. On Saturday the headquarters of Gen. Sherman were removed from Kingston-on the Atlanta railroad, thirty miles north of Marietta. One division of the 15th corps and the whole of the 14th corps accompanied the general toward Big Shanty. At this time the 17th corps was engaged tearing up and destroying the railroad between Big Shanty and Ruff’s Station, an distance of fifteen miles, north and south of Marietta; the 20th corps was between Atlanta and Vining’s Station; and a portion of the 15th corps was between Vining’s Station and Ruff’s Station. All these troops-reported to number about 45,000 infantry and artillery and 15,000 cavalry-were to rendezvous at Big Shanty as soon as practicable. The railroad from Cartersville to Calhoun-a length of about 40 miles long north of Atlanta-was abandoned to the enemy on Saturday. Resaca was to be abandoned on Tuesday. It was believed that Dalton would also be abandoned, as well as all the railroad northward nearly to Chattanooga. The town of Big Shanty, Ackworth, Kingston and Calhoun had been burned. Altoona and Marietta were to suffer the same fate.-Mr. Keogh left the army lines at Cartersville a week ago Sunday morning, and saw Kingston in ashes. He also saw Calhoun burning on the next day. He was compelled to make his way on foot along the line of the railroad, all the way from Marietta to Calhoun, a distance of 68 miles. From Vining Station to Big Shanty-twenty miles-the railroad was already utterly destroyed. There were about twenty five persons in the party, who were the last that came through. Rebel cavalry probably took possession the next day.
It was unknown on what day Gen. Sherman would start from Big Shanty, nor was his destination supposed to be known to any one but himself. All soldiers incapable of the fatigue of a long march had been sent back to Chattanooga. All surplus baggage had been sent back or destroyed. The men were furnished with but few rations, and were reduced to the lightest possible marching order. It was thought impracticable for Sherman to start from Big Shanty before last Thursday, the 17th at the earliest. His purpose was a matter of general speculation among the soldiers, but no one theory was generally concurred in. The communications of the expedition with the north were utterly cut off, and it was considered impracticable for it to return northwards. Regular turnpikes run from Big Shanty to Mobile, and also to Augusta but, as far as the roads are concerned it would be possible to march in any other direction. Gen. Sherman once taught school at Marietta and is familiar with the whole country. The Georgia militia were supposed to be ???? lately south of Atlanta. We shall hear no more of the movement at present, except from rebel sources. Hood is still supposed to be near Florence in Alabama-about 20 miles from Pulaski, Tennessee. He is too far in the rear to follow, and the impression is that Sherman does not intend to delay his march to fight the enemy, unless absolutely compelled. It is inferred from the character of his equipment that he intends to make a desert of the country through which he passes.
The following Wisconsin regiments accompany the expedition: The 3d, Col. Hawley; 12th, Col. Proudfit; 15th (Scandanavian); the 16th, Maj. Dawes; 17th commanded by Major McCauley; 21st Lieut. Col. Fitch; 22s, Col. Bloodgood; 25th, Lieut. Col Rusk; 26th, Col Winkler; the 31st; and 32d, Col DeGroat. Col. Hobart of the 21st accompanies the expedition as commander of a brigade in the first division of the 14th corps.–News.
Article #26__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Dec 24, 1864, P3, col 2
California Correspondence.- We publish this week a communication from our late partner, Jacob E. Mann, who, (with Jacob Heipe, and Henry Lembke, well-known boys of this village) emigrated to California a few months since to try his fortunes in the land of gold. From his letter we should judge that times there were not very promising at the present time, but we presume, and trust he will find it more remunerative that publishing a seven by nine newspaper in a country like this, where you get nothing for your labor, and live on coffee and hard tack, donated you by your friends. We trust he may soon have his trowserloons lined with the yaller luere, and send us a chunk for relation’s sake.
Article #27__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Dec 24, 1864, P2, col 3
California Correspondence
San Francisco, Nov 12, 1864
Dear Post.-
Like many other wanderers, I find myself at last, traversing the streets of the Far famed city of the Pacific coast. It is a town of about one hundred and twenty thousand inhabitants composed of all nationalities on the face of the globe. For money making and sound currency, it beats the world; but as for beauty, it has no claims. The site of the city is sandy and hilly; and some of the streets inaccessible for teams.-There are a few notables here worthy of mention, the first of which is George Washington, who wears a wig, and dresses like Washington of old, and imagines himself to be the second Washington. The next is Emperor Norton, who also dresses, and imagines himself to be of noble blood and rank. Next comes Bummer and Lazarus, two dogs, who have for three years been allowed the privileges of the city, and the only ones that are allowed to run at large without muzzles. Lazaraus is a very old dog, and almost helpless, but is faithfully guarded and supported by Bummer, who will go down to the different markets after meat, and always carry the first piece to his aged companion, and woe be unto him who offers Lazarus an insult in Bummer’s presence. For fruits of all kinds California eclipses the world, whilst her vineyards, in a few years more will be able to supply the United States with the best quality of wine, at a low figure.
Business of all kinds, for the present is rather dull, whilst mining by the poorer classes is played out, for the reason that most of the gold and silver now found, is in quartz, and to separate the gold from it, requires expensive machinery. If some poor cuss is lucky enough to find a good mine, he is obliged (for want of means) to give a certain number of shares to men of capital. The next move is to get the company incorporated, and then if the original owner is not willing to sell out for a song, they freeze him out by a system of assessments which he is unable to meet. One hundred feet in a mine is called a share, and they are sold either by the share or single foot. Mining stock is ranging for the present from five to eighteen hundred dollars per foot. The best paying mine at present is the Gold and Currier, which pays a monthly dividend of fifty dollars per foot in coin. Many have quit work for the want of water.
The agricultural and mining interests of California were never suffering so severely for the want of rain as at the present time. We have uncertain accounts of protracted drouths in former years, prior to the discovery of gold, and while its inhabitants were a few Rancheros, but since agriculture and mining have engaged the attention of the people, there has been no drouth so protracted and so disastrous. More than two years of most continued absence of rain, together with an exceedingly dry atmosphere, has absorbed almost every particle of moisture from the earth, except when invigorated by living streams, and thousands and thousands of cattle have perished for the want of food. The farming population have anxiously hoped that they might be favored with rain early in November, that they might get in their seed early and have fair prospects of another year. But still the sky is void of all rain indication; still its brazen vault gives no sign of rain. Even with abundant rains, the breadth of land cultivated for the coming year, would be limited, for throughout the central portion of the State, the farmers haven’t got the seed necessary for extensive sowing, and the high prices at which grain is held, forbid their purchasing.- Hundreds of farms I am informed, and ranches in the Sacramento valley, were temporarily abandoned last spring; their owners going into the mountains with their stock, or engaging in other avocations for a time, intending to return when the rain should commence and permit them to resume farming operations.
The next few months will determine whether vast tracts of country, that has in former years been productive farming lands, must be permanently abandoned or not, for no farming population can well survive three years of continued drouth.
The mining interest suffers no less than that of agriculture. Thousands of miners have been resting in idleness, waiting patiently for water, until patience ceases to be a virtue. Consuming but producing nothing, they , in thousands of cases, have exhausted all of their resources, and unless rain comes soon must abandon their claims and seek other employment. If however, we should be blessed with abundant showers from heaven, California would again enjoy a season of great prosperity. Thousands of miners who have been for one or two years, engaged in throwing out rich deposits of auriferious earth, would be able to immediately wash out the gold. -Great tracks of surface diggings along the foot of the hills, supplied with water through natural and artificial means, would give thousands of miners immediate employment, and gold would flow out in abundance, giving new life and energy to every branch of industry.- Money would flow into the coffers of the interior merchant, and from him to the importer. The hum of revived industry would gladden the heart of the mechanic who would again find plenty of employment. The farmer would drive the plow share swiftly through the earth, animated by hopes of abundant crops, and the ranchman would gather in his half-starved herds, and again pasture them in the green valleys. When, however, we consider the enormity of our sins as a people, especially in casting our electoral vote for “ol’ d’abe,” we think it extremely doubtful whether our Heavenly Father will favor us with rain.
More anon.
J. E. M.
Article #28__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Mar 18, 1865
California Correspondence
San Francisco Feb. 5th 1865.
Dear Post-
In my last I briefly mentioned that wine was an important item among California products. But being now engaged in that line of business myself, I have taken some pains to post myself a little better. The remarkable adaptation of the soil and climate of this State, to the culture of the grape and manufacture of wine, is a well demonstrated fact. The product of our vines compare favorably with those of any other country. Of foreign countries the vineyards of Italy yield the most abundantly. The average annual production is said to be 411.5 gallons to the acre. Here it reaches the unprecedented figures of 800 to 900 gallons per acre where the vines have some age and are properly tended.
In California, moreover the crop is regular; no failure having occurred within the memory of the oldest settlers, though of course some years are more favorable than others; while elsewhere the failure of the grape crop is periodical and expected, for instance in Europe there has been but eleven good wine crops in the last 60 years. In Germany the failure is generally once in three years.
The quality of the wine, must depend upon that of the grape. Our winemakers have not yet cultivated to any considerable extent the finer grapes, from which the most delicate of European wines are made; yet such wines as are made here are pronounced abroad, fully equal to the best of a corresponding article that is made elsewhere.
They improve greatly by a sea voyage without any extraneous aid to enable them to withstand its effects. This fact has latterly made them more in request for shipment to New York and Europe, and the prospect of a large export demand has stimulated the planting of vines for the past few years. Every succeeding year, hereafter we may expect to see more extensive tracts of our rich soil reduced to the cultivation of the vine, until eventually, large districts of the State will resemble Southern France and Hungary, which appears like one vast vineyard. Meanwhile every effort will be made by intelligent vinters to produce wines that shall rival the choicest brands of Europe.
From published reports, it appears that there were last year, about 6,000,000 grape vines in the State, and that the wine product of 1864 was about 4,000,000 gallons, while the brandy product was about 200,000 gallons. The quality of the wine produced was on the average better than that of many previous years. The discrimination made by the raised tariffin favor of native wines has already created a considerable export demand for our California product while the home demand is steadily increasing. The culture of the grape and the making of wine are now better understood, and the State only needs more population to swell the business to one of extraordinary proportions. As an illustration of the success with which this business may be prosecuted here, I append the following facts relative to the Anaheim Vineyard in Los Angeles county, derived from a sworn statement of some of the managers.
The “Los Angeles Vineyard Society”, since known as the Anaheim Association, was formed in San Francisco in 1857, mostly by Germans, for the purpose of buying land and planting the same with vineyards, to be afterwards divided among the stockholders, somewhat after the manner of homestead associations. In August, 1857, the society bought from Don Pacifico Onteveras 1,200 acres of land in Los Angeles county, at a cost of $2 per acre. Of this tract, 400 acres were planted the following spring-about 900 vines to the acre being put in. In 1861 the first crop of these vines produced about 500 pipes of wine, at an average of 135 gallons to the pipe-making about 67,000 gallons. Since 1861 the product of these 400 acres has been increasing at the rate of 100 percent per annum, and will amount now to from 2,000 to 2,500 pipes, or from 270,000 to 337,000 gallons of wine. This wine, even at the depressed prices now ruling, is selling in the San Francisco market for 50 cents per gallon, at wholesale, or $67.50 per pipe; so that an actual cash outlay of $2,400 is realizing, within seven years from its first investment in the land, the large annual revenue of about $140,000, which sum is yearly increasing. These statistics would be more satisfactory if they were accompanied by statements of the expenditures for labor and other purposes, without which the actual net profit to the Anaheim shareholders cannot be estimated. But the lack of this information does not lessen the value of the statistics given as an evidence of the rapid growth and heavy yield of a well managed California vineyard.
Besides cultivating the grape on the 400 acres referred to, the Anaheim settlement has planted 200 more acres with vines which are not yet bearing, and has produced on the remaining 600 acres more than $8,000 worth of corn, barley, hay, beans, ets., every year, exclusive of the necessary supplies for horses and cattle, and of other articles for domestic use. The society has recently established a new landing at the sea shore, about 12 miles from its settlement, which is reached by a hard, level road at all seasons, where a warehouse has been erected for its convenience. The Senator touches here three times a month. The country surrounding the Anaheim settlement is equally well adapted for agricultural purposes. To the northward of it are located some deposits of asphaltuan, bituminous coal and gypsum, which are said to have recently attracted the attention of capitalists.
These circumstances are not foreign to the main subject under consideration, for they show that, even in the valley regions, California presents other advantages than the mere adaptability of her soil and climate to the culture of a given product. The varied resources of the land lie contiguous in the same districts, multiplying the attractions for immigration and investment, and the chances of reward to intelligently applied capital and labor. A thoughtful and well informed writer on Califormia agricultural topics estimates, in the course of an article contributed to the United States Agricultural Reports for 1863-4, that nearly fifty-two million acres of land in this State-or about one-third of its whole area-is well adapted to the production of wine. Excluding those localities, near the coast, where cold sea breezes and fogs prevail, he thinks it may be safely stated that all other portions of the State, lying under an altitude of 3,000 feet above the sea level-and which altitude in about the limit of the regular snow fall-are suited to vine culture. Much of this land lies on the eastern slope of the Sierra Navada, and is open to free occupation, subject to such legislation as Congress may yet determine upon as to its disposal. France, the greatest wine producing country in the world, has but 5,000,000 of acres in vine cultivation, and much of this area is but indifferent soil.
These facts will afford some idea to what greatness the grape culture will yet attain in California. J.E.M.
Article #29__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Apr 15, 1865
We noticed the arrival in our village last evening of Col F. C. Winkler, of the 26th Wisconsin. Col. W, with his gallant band has been foremost in the ranks of Gen. Sherman’s noble army through its victorious campaigns during the past year, and, we are happy to see, has come out unscathed, and with unfading laurels upon his brow.
Article #30__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Jun 3, 1865
Return on our Soldiers.
The Madison Capitol Gives the following list of the regiments from this state who are to be mustered out, and are coming to Camp Randall to rendezvous. Captain Marvin A. Daily, has been directed to furnish them subsistence while they are in camp awaiting payment. The number of regiments is six, and their aggregate it 4,792.
Regiment Exp of Army No Men
5th-7 co’s Oct. 1 Meade’s 553
21st Sept 25 Sherman’s 948
22d Sept 5 do 711
25th Sept 14 do 829
26th Sept 17 do 518
32d Sept 24 do 943
38th-4 co’s Sept 21 Meade’s 320
They will probably reach Madison within a few days.
Article #31__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Apr 28, 1866.
To the Readers of the Post.
With this issue of the Post, our connection with the press ceases. We have disposed of our interest in the paper to the Hon. John E. Mann, judge of this Judicial Circuit, and a resident of this village. The Judge has had some little experience in the publication of the paper having “run the machine” for several months during our absence in the army, and that of our partner, Jacob E. Mann. That the Judge is eminently qualified to conduct a public journal as it should be, our readers are well aware, much better than our younger years and feeble abilities are capable of, yet we have labored incessantly since first taking charge of the paper, upwards of five years ago, to present to our readers an attractive and interesting sheet, and if the support and kindness which has been bestowed upon us during this period is any criterion to judge from, we are satisfied that our efforts have not all been in vain.
It is no easy task to say farewell, in this public manner, to the readers of the Post, whom we have visited weekly through the columns of our little hebdomidal sheet, as the many incidents connected with our career as an editor in West Bend, are brought to mind, and the kindness we have received, tell us that there are many things which connect our heart to the place and its kind, neighborly and whole souled citizens. The acquaintances and associations which cluster around us, will be hard to give up, but our inclinations and family ties which are nearer, dearer, and stronger than all else, draw us from you, and so we must part, yet in so doing the pleasant years we have passed here, and the many blessings received on either side, will ever be cherished as a bright spot that will illumine our pathway while traveling on to that brighter land where repentant sinners find repose, and the weary are at rest.
We thus send forth our parting salute to our many readers, and wishing the Post all the success it certainly merits under its new management, bid you a kind adieu, and may our Father’s choisest blessings ever rest upon you and yours.
C. D. W. (Waldo)
Article #32__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Jun 23, 1866.
Our Return
Nearly two years ago, we took a hasty leave of our readers, and set out for the land of gold, that we might not only escape for a while, the tedious duties of an editor, as well as to replenish our slender purse, which had long suffered from a long list of delinquent subscribers. After three weeks spent on the briny deep we arrived at the city of San Francisco, a gay little town of about 100,000 inhabitants, composed of every nationality on the face of the earth. It is decidedly the fastest town in the world. The ladies are the gayest of the gay. The men are decidedly fast. Their wines are not to be surpassed. Fruit appears to grow spontaneously, and nearly to the size of pumpkins. Gambling is strictly prohibited by law; but licensed and protected by a bribed police. Democratic papers are mobbed and destroyed for advocating the Constitution. Slander cases are unknown in court, being settled quicker and easier with powder and lead. Riots are considered merely pastime. Cock and Bull fights are Sunday amusements. Their earth-quakes come regular, monthly, and like most of their ladies are considered shaky. In fact, for fear of a shake, we left. As regards the climate, the country, and its resources we will speak more at length, at some future time.
I have now resumed my old post, and shall endeavor to keep our readers as well posted, as my limited resources will admit. If our patrons will send local items from the different towns, we will note them with pleasure. As far as my political record is concerned it is too well known by our readers, to require any pledges on my part. All I can say is, help us and we will help you.
Article #33__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 4, 1867
The several parties whose names are found below, formerly members of the West Bend Turner Society, are hereby notified of their expulsion from said society, in consequence of their having forfeited their rights as members, by non-payment of certain amounts due the society, and by not recognizing various other laws and regulations.
Louis Hild Jacob Hild
Philip Schlemer Philip Meier
John Strobel John Storch
Article #31__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Apr 28, 1866.
To the Readers of the Post.
With this issue of the Post, our connection with the press ceases. We have disposed of our interest in the paper to the Hon. John E. Mann, judge of this Judicial Circuit, and a resident of this village. The Judge has had some little experience in the publication of the paper having “run the machine” for several months during our absence in the army, and that of our partner, Jacob E. Mann. That the Judge is eminently qualified to conduct a public journal as it should be, our readers are well aware, much better than our younger years and feeble abilities are capable of, yet we have labored incessantly since first taking charge of the paper, upwards of five years ago, to present to our readers an attractive and interesting sheet, and if the support and kindness which has been bestowed upon us during this period is any criterion to judge from, we are satisfied that our efforts have not all been in vain.
It is no easy task to say farewell, in this public manner, to the readers of the Post, whom we have visited weekly through the columns of our little hebdomidal sheet, as the many incidents connected with our career as an editor in West Bend, are brought to mind, and the kindness we have received, tell us that there are many things which connect our heart to the place and its kind, neighborly and whole souled citizens. The acquaintances and associations which cluster around us, will be hard to give up, but our inclinations and family ties which are nearer, dearer, and stronger than all else, draw us from you, and so we must part, yet in so doing the pleasant years we have passed here, and the many blessings received on either side, will ever be cherished as a bright spot that will illumine our pathway while traveling on to that brighter land where repentant sinners find repose, and the weary are at rest.
We thus send forth our parting salute to our many readers, and wishing the Post all the success it certainly merits under its new management, bid you a kind adieu, and may our Father’s choisest blessings ever rest upon you and yours.
C. D. W. (Waldo)
Article #32__________________________________________________________________________
Sat Jun 23, 1866.
Our Return
Nearly two years ago, we took a hasty leave of our readers, and set out for the land of gold, that we might not only escape for a while, the tedious duties of an editor, as well as to replenish our slender purse, which had long suffered from a long list of delinquent subscribers. After three weeks spent on the briny deep we arrived at the city of San Francisco, a gay little town of about 100,000 inhabitants, composed of every nationality on the face of the earth. It is decidedly the fastest town in the world. The ladies are the gayest of the gay. The men are decidedly fast. Their wines are not to be surpassed. Fruit appears to grow spontaneously, and nearly to the size of pumpkins. Gambling is strictly prohibited by law; but licensed and protected by a bribed police. Democratic papers are mobbed and destroyed for advocating the Constitution. Slander cases are unknown in court, being settled quicker and easier with powder and lead. Riots are considered merely pastime. Cock and Bull fights are Sunday amusements. Their earth-quakes come regular, monthly, and like most of their ladies are considered shaky. In fact, for fear of a shake, we left. As regards the climate, the country, and its resources we will speak more at length, at some future time.
I have now resumed my old post, and shall endeavor to keep our readers as well posted, as my limited resources will admit. If our patrons will send local items from the different towns, we will note them with pleasure. As far as my political record is concerned it is too well known by our readers, to require any pledges on my part. All I can say is, help us and we will help you.
Article #33__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 4, 1867
The several parties whose names are found below, formerly members of the West Bend Turner Society, are hereby notified of their expulsion from said society, in consequence of their having forfeited their rights as members, by non-payment of certain amounts due the society, and by not recognizing various other laws and regulations.
Louis Hild Jacob Hild
Philip Schlemer Philip Meier
John Strobel John Storch
August Veith
Charles Karsten, Sec.
(Karsten was in Co G of the 26th)
Article #34__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 25, 1867
Having disposed of this office to Maxon Hirsch Esq., we give up all control of the paper after this issue.
Mr. Hirsch is well known as a man of means and energy, who will spare no pains or expense to make it a first class journal. Its editorial columns, will be under the control of P. A. Weil Esq., of the firm of Frisby& Weil.-From the known abilities of Mr. Weil, and his sound political doctrines, we can safely say that the ‘Post’ will not suffer in his hands.
To our patrons who have nobly stood by us for the past six years, we tender our thanks for the generous support they have given us, and hope they will continue the same to our successors.-To our friends we bid an affectionate adieu. Of our enemies; we ask no odds.
Article #35__________________________________________________________________________
Wed Sept 24, 1884 page 3 col 4
Died, at his residence in the village of West Bend, on Tuesday morning, Sept. 23, 1884, Mr. Charles W. Karsten.
The deceased was born in Bruel, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, Dec. 21, 1843, and consequently was less than 41 years of age. In 1856 he emigrated to the United States with his parents and came directly to West Bend. After spending three years in school and on the farm he learned the mason’s trade, at which he worked until August 1862, when he enlisted in the 26th regiment of Wisconsin volunteers. He entered as a private and rose to the rank of first lieutenant. In 1865 he returned, attended a commercial school one term, and then again worked at his trade until in 1873 with Mr. Wm. Franckenberg he formed the mercantile firm of Franckenberg & Karsten, which existed until a few weeks ago, when it was dissolved on account of Mr. Karsten’s sickness.
The hardships he had to endure while fighting for his country laid the germ to his disease, which culminated in consumption and after interfering seriously with his business duties compelled him last winter to wholly withdraw from them. One of the happiest family ties has been severed by the sad event. Besides his widow Mr. Karsten leaves three children, Anna, Adolph, and Martha. He was highly esteemed by our citizens.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock from the home of the family. Services will be held at the Lutheran church.
Article #36__________________________________________________________________________
Wed Oct 1, 1884 page 3 col 2
We the members of the Washington County Veterans Association desire to present through our committee this tribute of respect to our worthy comrade Charles W. Karsten, who departed this life Sept. 23 1884, aged 40 years.
Resolved, That we as comrades bow in sadness with the family of the deceased and with them mourn the loss of this true soldier and kind husband and father, whose place in the home circle is so sadly vacant, and who will never more answer to roll call in our ranks.
Resolved, That we as an organization tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved wife and children of the deceased, and that we commend them to that Power which was in the beginning and will be to the end, for succor in this their hour of affliction.
Geo. W. Jones
J. R. Kohlsdorf, Committee
J. Thielges
Article #34__________________________________________________________________________
Sat May 25, 1867
Having disposed of this office to Maxon Hirsch Esq., we give up all control of the paper after this issue.
Mr. Hirsch is well known as a man of means and energy, who will spare no pains or expense to make it a first class journal. Its editorial columns, will be under the control of P. A. Weil Esq., of the firm of Frisby& Weil.-From the known abilities of Mr. Weil, and his sound political doctrines, we can safely say that the ‘Post’ will not suffer in his hands.
To our patrons who have nobly stood by us for the past six years, we tender our thanks for the generous support they have given us, and hope they will continue the same to our successors.-To our friends we bid an affectionate adieu. Of our enemies; we ask no odds.
Article #35__________________________________________________________________________
Wed Sept 24, 1884 page 3 col 4
Died, at his residence in the village of West Bend, on Tuesday morning, Sept. 23, 1884, Mr. Charles W. Karsten.
The deceased was born in Bruel, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, Dec. 21, 1843, and consequently was less than 41 years of age. In 1856 he emigrated to the United States with his parents and came directly to West Bend. After spending three years in school and on the farm he learned the mason’s trade, at which he worked until August 1862, when he enlisted in the 26th regiment of Wisconsin volunteers. He entered as a private and rose to the rank of first lieutenant. In 1865 he returned, attended a commercial school one term, and then again worked at his trade until in 1873 with Mr. Wm. Franckenberg he formed the mercantile firm of Franckenberg & Karsten, which existed until a few weeks ago, when it was dissolved on account of Mr. Karsten’s sickness.
The hardships he had to endure while fighting for his country laid the germ to his disease, which culminated in consumption and after interfering seriously with his business duties compelled him last winter to wholly withdraw from them. One of the happiest family ties has been severed by the sad event. Besides his widow Mr. Karsten leaves three children, Anna, Adolph, and Martha. He was highly esteemed by our citizens.
The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at two o’clock from the home of the family. Services will be held at the Lutheran church.
Article #36__________________________________________________________________________
Wed Oct 1, 1884 page 3 col 2
We the members of the Washington County Veterans Association desire to present through our committee this tribute of respect to our worthy comrade Charles W. Karsten, who departed this life Sept. 23 1884, aged 40 years.
Resolved, That we as comrades bow in sadness with the family of the deceased and with them mourn the loss of this true soldier and kind husband and father, whose place in the home circle is so sadly vacant, and who will never more answer to roll call in our ranks.
Resolved, That we as an organization tender our heartfelt sympathies to the bereaved wife and children of the deceased, and that we commend them to that Power which was in the beginning and will be to the end, for succor in this their hour of affliction.
Geo. W. Jones
J. R. Kohlsdorf, Committee
J. Thielges